7. Kaven City

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Averine made her way to the next city over, and it was much brighter then she expected it to be. The sun was shining, but the lights of the city were even brighter. It had yellow accents across the buildings, making it shine like gold. The people wore a mix of casual and expensive styles, and the blend of them was nice to see. The cars were just as glorious, with some looking like they could carry the president.

Averine watched a person run up to her, and they had a gleaming smile.

「  Hello Shooting Star! Welcome to Kaven City, home to several of the greatest scientists and prestigious events! I'm not sure if you've ever been her before but if you'd like I could give you a tour!  」

Averine stared at him in surprise. He was also dressed in yellow, but more on the casual side. His hair was yellow and matched his eyes...which seemed to be several strange coincidences.

❝  Oh! Uhmm...no I haven't been here before but I'd gladly take the tour! ❞

She had a soft smile go across her face as she spoke, and the boys eyes lit up as she did. Her smile was still infectious.

「 Awesome possum! The names Minaro, and if you'll follow me I'll happily be your guide for the next...maybe hour or two. 」

Averine held in a snicker as he talked, hiding her smile behind her hand. No one used such outdated terms, but hearing it was still just as funny for some reason. To her at least.

Minaro gave Averine a following gesture with his hand, promptly taking the lead. She followed behind him, and was occasionally stopped by bystanders and the people running about.

「 I can't believe we're both so popular! I've had all my fans show up when yours did, so I don't blame you if ya didn't even notice. Being a celeb is a full time gig. 」

He had a cocky smirk go across his face, as he posed all flashy-like. He seemed to be proud of that statement...even though it wasn't true in the slightest.

❝...we are? Not to sound rude but I was peeking over  and couldn't help but notice you pouting. Looked a lot like jealousy over stardom. ❞

Minaro quickly froze in place, and a single bead of sweat went down their face. He was doing his best to come up with an excuse...and he was notoriously failing. In a panic, he turned his eyes to the view in front of them.

「 Oh look at that! It's the Kaven Laboratory! It's where the top researchers do the magic! I would take you in but they usually don't do tours on the fly. Maybe you'd be an exception since...you're you?  」

They both stared at the entryway of the laboratory. It was a glass hall that lead into a skyscraper of a building. It had the most gold accents out of the entirety of the town. Probably wouldn't make a very good hiding spot if it came down to it.

❝ Top research huh...? Have they disclosed what it is they're working on at the moment? ❞

Minaro put his finger on his chin, and wrinkled his face. He was probably thinking, but it looked like a moai statue a little bit. Averine snickered behind her hand.

「 If I remember correctly...they're trying to make artificial powers to give to those that don't have any. One of my friends signed up for it cause he wanted to have something, but since it's all private and stuff he hasn't been able to get back to me. Wish I knew the method to the process. What if they're like...mushing souls together or something? 」

Averine raised her eyebrows as he said that, and turned to look at Minaro. She had a look of confusion on her face, as if what he said was complete nonsense. Mushing souls wouldn't do that to someone. She didn't think so at least.

❝  That would be stupid...cause the average person abilities are stored in their body not their soul. Would be kinda interested in seeing what would happen if you did that though. ❞

Minaro nodded his head in agreement, before walking off and gesturing to Averine once again. He seemed excited to take her around the city, and to a strange extent. She glanced at the building for a moment longer, before turning to follow her guide.

The two walked around the city, seeing landmark after landmark within the city. There were statues, an entire street of food and markets, a small art corner, houses, arcades, almost anything one could think of. It was confusing how so much fit in one city, but the size and glamour of it made it believable. They arrived at a small coffee shop, and sat at the tables outside. Averine appearance caused a small uproar, with several waves and smiles being given to her. A few of them recognized Minaro as well, as he was smiling and waving as well. Hopefully they won't take a friendly outing as anything more then just that.

「 Sooo, what cha think of the city? It's beautiful?Glorious?  The most jaw dropping thing you've ever seen?! 」

Minaro talked with a confident tone, having an electric smile go across his face. It made Averine smile in return, and a small giggle came from her. Seems like his smile is just as infectious as hers.

❝ It's a very pretty town, I'll agree with that. May I ask why you seem to be so... knowledgeable with the town? You knew how to get everywhere like it was the back of your hand.  Not that that's a bad thing of course, I'm simply curious. ❞

Minaro had a joyful smirk go across his face, as he quickly met Averines eyes with his own. His fingertips had a small current of electric coming off of them, possibly out of over excitement. It made Averine passively scooch her hands back slightly.

「 I'M GLAD YOU ASKED! So I'm actually part of the family that helped make this town from the ground up! When I came to the picture most of it was already done, but I came up with a few ideas and was pretty much like a city battery! I had enough electric to run an entire building for a week or two, and the city for maybe a day. It's a mystery how I got such high amounts of energy when I was born, but I consider it to simply be luck of the draw. 」

He held his hand out and a small amount of electric pulsed from it. It looked...very wild...it made Averines eyes widen slightly as she started at it. She looked like she was terrified of it, and rightfully so. It was one of the few elements that she wasn't very good against, and in some situations almost powerless.

❝ Ah....I see...that sounds like it would be a wonderful payoff. Granted the work sounds like it would be a lot, but I'd ima- ❞

Averines phone lit up in her pocket, and she quickly pulled it out and glanced over at the notification. It was another from Patricia, and it had a handful of information on it. All the text was related to the distorted photo from before...and his name was Reid. That's what she took from a glance anyway.

❝ Thank you so much for the tour Minaro, but I have to take care of a thing or two. I hope I get to see you again. ❞

She gave him a small smile and wave, and saw herself out of the table he chose for the two. She opened her phone to expand on the details she was sent.

His name was Reid, and he was pretty well known based on his socials. One day he somehow vanished without a trace, yet there was never a search warrant sent out. He just...dissapeared.

While she was staring at her phone, a loud voice called her over. It was coming from the entrance of the laboratory from earlier.

⥢Well would you look at that, it's the Shooting Star. Never thought I'd see you face to face, especially in front of work no less.⥤

A tall man spoke out as she turned, and quickly took note of his appearance. His hair was a long faded blue, and he had faint red eyes. He had eyebags that somewhat stuck out, but he looked energized for the most part. His lab coat was blue instead of being white like like the uniform was...maybe he was at a higher position?

         ⥢ Could I ask what you're doing here? ⥤

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