CHAPTER 01- Campfire

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Camilla's POV

I sat at my desk with my sketchbook laid in front of me. Henry was on my bed laying on his side, scrolling through whatever social media he was using.

I had watched as the golden sunlight from the sky descended into darkness. The only thing now preventing the whole room from being filled with shadows, a small lamp on my bedside table.

I played with the mechanical pencil that was placed between my fingers, contemplating what to draw on the paper.

I enjoyed drawing, it brought me peace. It allowed me to express every thought within my head, every feeling ever felt, every emotion I had ever experienced, all without telling a single soul. 

Every drawing showed something different. Even if they all looked so similar.

I had countless amounts of sketchbooks inside my bedroom, untouched, most of them shielded by layers of dust that had collected over time. But they were dear to me, special. They showed development in myself, not just as an artist but as a person.

"Cammy" Henry hummed, dragging out the 'y' in the nickname he gave me. He sat up to face me. His phone laid on his lap as he looked over to my direction.

I turn my attention to the blond boy, "yes?"

"What're you drawing?" He asks, making his way over to the desk where I am sat.

"I dunno" I shrug, "I can't think"

He looks down at my sketchbook and flicks through some of my old drawings. His eyes were filled with curiosity and amazement, "I forgotten how good you are at drawing"

I feel my blank expression turn into a smile at the blonde compliment.

"Thanks Hen" I smiled at him.

"Hey wanna sneak out to go meet everyone?"

I think for a second. Last time I snuck out I got caught, ended up locked up in my house for a week. Although, It does sound fun.

"Sure lemme just get my jacket"

I head over to the coat rack that hung on the back of my door. My hand reaches for my red leather jacket before wrapping myself in it. I quickly check that I had everything in my pockets, everything's there.

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