Chapter 5: Change of plans

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Y/n pov:

I hold my papers and books in my arms as I walk quickly to the library wanting to get there to get a good seat knowing how packed it could get at this hour. It's a shame Zandik couldn't make it to the library today either since he's out on an expedition for a week or two. I check the papers in my arms not paying attention to anything around me.


I fell back and onto my butt "Ouch" I say under my breath as I look at my papers and books scattered around me "Oh I'm sorry are you alright?" I hear a voice say. I look up and see a boy not much other than me holding out his hand for me to grab. The boy had dark brown hair and deep green eyes along with pale skin matching a white rose. I look up at the boy for a second before quickly gathering my things around me and taking his hand as he helped me get up from the ground.

"Sorry again..I didn't hurt you did I?.." He says. I look over at him and shake my head "Oh no it's alright I'm fine it was my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings.." I say with a slight laugh. "But thanks for helping me up have a nice day!" I say with a slight wave before continuing to walk to the library until I felt him grab my arm. "Hey hey wait what's your name?" The guy asks me as he pulls me back towards him I look over at him surprised he would grab my arm.

"Oh names Y/n" I say pulling my arm away from him gently. "Hm..Y/n? I like that name..My names Akita nice to meet you Y/n..." He says with a slight smirk. "Oh uhm nice to meet you too Akita" I say with a slight smile not expecting the sudden compliment "So we're is a girl like you heading off to so fast?" He says leaning closer to me. "Oh uhm I'm just going to the library to study.." I say quietly taking a step back with a slight smile on my face trying to be polite.

"The library huh? Let me walk you there then a pretty thing like you needs protection no?.." Akita says with a smirk. "No please go away" I say in my mind but trying to be polite a take a breath and nod my head. "Oh uhm sure I suppose..." I say quietly looking away from him "Great! I look forward to our walk..." He says before he starts walking suggesting I start walking with him. I look over at him and nod my head before walking beside him trying not to make eye contact with Akita. The rest of the walk was pretty awkward as he continued to try and flirt with me.

Two weeks later...

Zandiks pov:

Finally after two weeks of being out on my expedition I get to finally be back at the akedeymia. Now I can finally start my plan to confess to Y/n just the thought of it has me grinning from ear to ear as I walk to the library expecting Y/n to be there were we usually meet. I make it to the library and start walking to our usual spot and I spot her sitting there reading. I smiled until I got closer and noticed another person sitting beside her, another guy. I couldn't help but feel jealous at him sitting there.

In my seat next to Y/n.

A scowl forms on my lips as I walk over seeing her trying to read but this unknown stranger trying to talk to her as if he had known her for years. I approached them and leaned over them "Hello Y/n" I say with a smile ignoring the guy beside her. She looks over at me a bit started but when she realized it was me a bright smile formed on her face. "Zandik! Your back how was your trip!" She says enthusiastically and I can't help but smile at her excitement.

Until I heard a fake cough, we both look over and see the same guy still sitting there before he starts his jabbering mouth once more "Y/n who is this? I don't think you introduced him to me before.." He says in a condescending tone I narrow my eyes at him irritated from him still being there.

couldn't he take a hint and go away it's obvious Y/n doesn't want him there so why is he still here...

"Oh Yes! Akita this is Zandik a friend of mine he just came back from an expedition..and Zandik this is Akita a uhm...friend..I made while you were gone..." Y/n says nervously as if that guy Akita was just a pest hanging around her calling himself her friend. "Zandik huh? Ive seen you around before alone" Akita says with a mocking smirk, how annoying.

"Yes..I heard about you too..Didn't you only have a girlfriend a week ago..." I say with a slight smirk, there had been a couple rumors of him being a player of some sort with girls in the akedeymia. I seen a scowl form on Akitas lips as if I just ratted him out. "Well she just wasn't the one you know? After all there are pretty girls like Y/n out there.." Akita says with a smirk. I narrow my eyes getting more and more irritated by his presence by the second.

Who the hell does this guy think he is, how disgusting. Y/n apparently feeling the tension between me and Akita finally spoke. "H-Hey! It's getting a bit late so I should probably go back to my dorm.. Akita you can go without me today it's alright..." Y/n says with a nervous laugh and smile. Akita looks over at her and smirks. "Are you sure? I don't mind walking you.." Akita says to her.

God just take a hint already

"No it's fine really! I'll see you tomorrow.." She says with a slight smile Akita shrugs and gets up from his seat "Fine if you say so princess..And..see you around..Zandik" He says looking over at me with a teasing expression as if he was mocking me. I narrow my eyes not saying anything back, finally he was out of the way and I take my usual seat beside Y/n.

"Sorry about the he just hangs around me a lot..But I missed you! Tell me everything about your expedition!" Y/n says excitedly as she closed her book and turned to me. I couldn't help but smile at her she was just too sweet and pretty. I nod my head and tell her about my experience from the expedition. But one thing was going through my mind the whole time...

Akita needed to be out the way..And fast...

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