Chapter 3: A new friend?

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Yn pov:

It's been a couple days since I last bumped into that blue haired boy at the tavern. I remember his ruby red eyes and his fluffy light blue hair, the way he smiled slightly at me made me think about him more and more. I get lost in my thoughts as I walk to the library in the akedeymia before I looked up and saw a familiar blue haired boy walking in the same direction as me. I smile and hurry up to catch up to him.

"Hey!" I say catching up to him. He looks backs at me with a surprised expression he slows down his pace a bit as I catch up to his side. "Oh hello.." He says looking at me as I look at him with a sweet smile before greeting him back "Hello! You came to the tavern the other day correct?" I say with a bright smile. He nodded his head not saying a word back to me, I looked at him for a second before speaking once more, "So uhm..we're are you heading? Not trying to be nosy of course!.." I say with an awkward smile. He glanced over at me for a second before looking back ahead of us and responding back.

"I'm going to the library to do some research for some things..." He says with a blank tone. My smile returns as I hear he's also going to the library, "Really? Me to! Do you mind if I walk there with you?" I say with a sweet smile. He looks at me for a second before looking away "Yea sure.." He says blankly. I look up at him for a second before speaking once more, "By the way I never got your name the other day.." He quickly replied to me.

"My name is Zandik.." I smiled sweetly at him before nodding my head. "Its a pleasure to meet you Zandik.." For the rest of the walk there it was quiet and only the sound of our footsteps could be heard. As we walked into the library and sat down at a table together I tried to start a conversation so it wouldn't be too awkward between us, "So uhm..what are you studying? If you don't mind me asking..." I say looking over at him as he took out a couple books and papers. "Hm? Oh uh..just some invention I plan on making..." He says in a low tone glancing over at me. "Really? May I see it if you don't mind..." I say with a slight smile as I look at him. He looked at me with a surprised look as if he didn't think I would ever ask that, he hesitated a bit before nodding his head, "Uhm..Yea sure..." He says taking out a blueprint and laying it out on the table allowing me to see it.

My eyes widen as I see the the blue print, it was amazing, "This is brilliant!.." I say with a smile as I continue to admire his invention. It was a small drone in the shape of a ball and propellers on the top of him allowing it to fly. I looked over at Zandik with a smile, "Zandik..this is truly remarkable!" I say noticing his surprise expression as if he never received such praise from anyone. "Really you think so?..." He asks me as if wanting me to confirm my words, "Yes of course! This is truly an amazing idea..Would you mind if I see your finished product?" I say looking down at the blueprint and back up at him before handing it back to him. Zandik continued to look at me surprised as he took the blueprint back looking down at it for a second and nodding his head. "Yes of course.." He says looking back at me with a slight smile, "I'll be waiting.." I say smiling back at him before taking out a book of my own and opening it. He looked at me before asking.

"What are you studying?.." He asks me staring down at my book "Hm? Oh this? It's for a project I have to do..It's for this new constellation we recently discovered.." I say with a slight smile looking over at Zandik. "I see.." He says nodding his head. The rest of our time in the library we talked and studied the entire time not paying attention to the time as we chatted, after a while I look out the window and relized the sky had turned orange signaling the sun was going to set soon.

"Oh uhm..I better get going the sun is going to set soon and I don't wanna be out to late..." I say standing up from my seat and gathering my things holding them tightly in my arms. Zandik looked up at me and nodded his head "Oh yes of course.." He says watching me stand of from my seat. I looked over at him with a sweet smile "This was fun we should meet here at the library again sometime!" I say looking at him. He looked at me a bit surprised but nodded his head once more, "Sure.. I also enjoyed myself" He says with a slight smile, I smile back at him before nodding my head and giving him a slight wave goodbye.

"See you around Zandik.." I say before turning around and walking towards the door of the library. "See you..Y/n..." I heard him say quietly as I walked away. I gave him a quick glance and continued walking to the door of the library. I walked out the library and felt the soft cold breeze hit my face, I looked up at the sky as I walked thinking about Zandik. For some reason I just couldn't get him out of my mind and excited to await for our next meeting with each other.. I smiled to myself as I looked back ahead of me as I continued to walk to my dorm. Zandik truly had remarkable intelligence I admired it..He was also very good looking and I learned so many things about him like his favourite book to which dish he enjoys most..

I opened the door to my dorm and walked inside setting down my things on my desk in my room. I sat down on my bed and let out a soft sigh. I later down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling

Unknowing that this was only the beginning...

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