Chapter 6: Exterminated

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‼️Warning! This chapter contains blood‼️

Zandik pov:
Me and Y/n were sitting in the library together chatting quietly. Her soft smile and sweet laugh makes me feel alive every time, but my happiness soon ended when I heard footsteps and an irritating grating voice. "Hey Y/n!" Akita says hurrying towards the both of us immediately taking a seat beside Y/n not even glancing over at me.

What a pest

"So Y/n what are you working on? The same old boring stuff?" He says putting his elbow on the table and his palm holding his face, it was obvious Y/n was uncomfortable by his presence. But she still turned to him and shrugged slightly "I suppose.." She says quietly looking down at her open book. "You know you should really quit studying so much it's completely useless especially when you're learning about stupid astrology whats the point of it anyway? Seems like something pathetic losers would study about.." It turned into an awkward silence for a second and at this point my blood was boiling by his words. How dare he insult something my precious Angel is so passionate about he truly makes me sick. I sat there staring at him before I noticed Y/n stood up from her seat and gathered her things.

"Well uhm I have to go to my dorm and get ready for my shift at the tavern..see you later Zandik...and you too..Akita..." She says looking over at me with a slight smile before quickly walking away and out the library. That stupid Akita made her uncomfortable so she had to annoying. I look over at Akita and decided.

He needed to go now.

I got up from my seat and put a hand on his shoulder gripping onto the fabric of his akadeymia uniform. "Come with me now.." I say tugging at his uniform before walking out the library to an isolated spot were no one would see us. I heard a scoff from him but soon hearing his footsteps following behind me. Once we were there I looked over at him and crossed my arms narrowing my eyes.

"Let's get one thing straight Y/n isn't for you to take..she's mine and not some object for you to play with like those other girls you manipulated..."

I say in a cold tone as I take a step closer to him putting a finger to his chest my piercing gaze locked on his face until I heard a mocking laugh from him before he looked over at me moving my hand away from him. "Yea right I'll have her swooning for me by tonight..and there's nothing you could do to stop me after I tell Y/n about your crazy inventions you created before and this interaction with you and me." He says with a smirk. My eyes widen in anger and my hands clench and my teeth grinding together, Akita starts to walk away until.


Akita falls to the floor as blood starts dripping out from the back of his head. I dropped the large stone I had picked up from the ground and walked over to Akitas limp body. I knelled down beside him and examined his head, I couldn't tell if he was dead or unconscious. But either way it didn't matter as long as he never sees Y/n again...

I listen to my surroundings and hear the faint chatter and laughter of other students, I let out a irritated sigh and push Akitas body behind a bush to hide for the meantime and give me time to gather supplies until I come back and dispose of him tonight...

Later in the night:

After a couple hours it finally reached midnight meaning no one would be around to notice me dragging around Akita. I quickly and quietly sneak back to where I left Akitas body, making sure my steps were slow and silent to not alert anyone who may be nearby. Once I reached the spot I uncover his body once more seeing he was luckily still there. I smile and grab him by his arms and drag his body to the forest by Sumeru.

After what felt like hours I dropped his body onto the dirt and take a sigh of relief once letting go of him. I drop my bag and go through it too look for the proper supplies for this event. Finally I found a small sledge hammer and picked it up from the bag grinning from ear to ear. I look over at Akitas body walked towards it slowly my eyes piercing at his unconscious and or dead body before I stood over him staring down at him

"A shame you won't be able to see my precious Angel again..."

I say with a slight smile before I lifted up at hammer and swinging it down on his face. A wide grin on my face as I heard a crack from his skull, I lifted up the sledge hammer again and swung it back down hearing another crack from his teeth. I keep swinging again and again seeing the blood splatter from his face and his flesh flying everywhere

I dropped the hammer as I stared at his mangled and crushed head seeing nothing but blood and flesh my clothes splattered with his blood. I turn back around and went through my bag once more before finding a sharp knife. I grinned from ear to ear before turning back around to his body and kneeling down beside him.

I put the knife to his arm and began sawing into his skin before his arm was completely sawed off I looked at his arm in my hand before throwing it into the hole I dug. I look back at his body and continued sawing at the rest of his limbs is disgusting blood dripping everywhere along with the stench of his flesh ripping apart bit by bit. His bones cracking in ways that are unnatural and his veins popping out like strings attached to his flesh.

Soon enough his body was completely dismembered and was completely shredded to pieces I let out a laugh as I drop his body parts into the hole. I look down at his body before smiling and starting to throw dirt inside the cover up the hole. After filling it up to the top I pat down the dirt to not make it look suspicious to people who might be passing by. I let out a sigh and look at myself seeing blood all over me and my hands.

I let out a chuckle before getting up and slinging my bag over my shoulder and quickly walking back to Sumeru before the sun rises and now I can finally rest easy knowing...

Akita has been exterminated...

Y/n pov:

It had been a couple days since I last seen Akita around..people around the akedeymia started a rumors saying he was missing others say he ran away to Fontaine but it's still been a mystery after these days...But to be honest I didn't mind him not behind around campus anymore as long as he didn't follow me around anymore making me uncomfortable. I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a familiar voice infront of me.

"Hey Y/n" Zandik says as he looks at me with his usual charming and handsome smile I can't help but feel my heartbeat quicken every time I see it. "Hello Zandik you come back to the tavern for the usual?" I say in an enthusiastic tone before he nods his head and hands me the mora. "Yes please..." He says to me quietly "Coming right up!" I say before going to the back and giving the chefs Zandiks order, a couple minutes later I walk back out the the front counter and hand him his order.

"By the way have you seen Akita around?" As soon as I said that Zandik immediately stopped and got quiet. After a couple seconds it was like he snapped out of his own thoughts and shrugged. "Nope haven't seen him but I have heard the rumors..he's probably gone for good though..." He says quietly looking over at me, but I couldn't help but noticed his last words were laced with some sort of satisfaction "Yea I guess your right..but thanks anyway I was just wondering have a good day Zandik see you tomorrow at the library!" I say with a slight wave before I see Zandiks smile grow on his lips once more. "See you Y/n.." He says before walking out the tavern.

He's so charming...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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