Chapter 1

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"Welcome, Your Royal Highness." Three ladies-in-waiting greeted Nari as she arrived at the castle. Nari smiled and looked around, searching for the familiar figure she had been waiting to meet.

Near the third massive door of the palace, she finally met the eyes she was seeking. Taeoh was gazing at her, and when Nari noticed him, she simply nodded and proceeded inside the castle to greet the Emperor and Empress.

The main hall of the castle is a breathtaking embodiment of opulence and grandeur. As nari enter, her eyes were immediately drawn to the soaring vaulted ceiling adorned with intricate frescoes depicting historical victories and mythological scenes. The walls are lined with rich, dark wood paneling, meticulously carved with motifs of imperial crests and heraldic symbols. Golden sconces holding flickering torches cast a warm, ambient glow, highlighting the exquisite details of the room.

Massive tapestries hang between tall, arched windows, their vibrant colors and elaborate patterns telling stories of the empire’s legendary past. The windows themselves are framed with heavy brocade curtains, embroidered with threads of gold and silver, which shimmer subtly in the light. Beneath your feet, an expansive mosaic floor crafted from polished marble and semi-precious stones displays an intricate design, each tile placed with masterful precision to create a cohesive masterpiece.

The hall is further adorned with statues of emperors and legendary heroes, each sculpted with lifelike detail and positioned on pedestals of dark granite. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, their multitude of facets capturing and refracting light in a dazzling display. The air is infused with the faint scent of sandalwood and incense, a subtle reminder of the hall's enduring connection to the empire’s rich traditions and deep-seated reverence for history. The castle is like two time the size of the castle back in her castle but this place is home for nari. The familiar home.

"Greetings to Your Majesties from the Princess, on behalf of the royal family and myself," Nari politely addressed the Emperor, bowing deeply to show full respect to the Imperial family.

"Oh Nari, you have grown into such a pretty and polite young lady," the Empress said, approaching Nari and embracing her warmly. Nari nodded and returned the Empress's hug respectfully.

"The ladies-in-waiting will guide you to your room. Take some rest before tomorrow's training," the Empress instructed.

Nari followed the ladies-in-waiting upstairs. The steps, made of polished marble, are covered with a plush crimson carpet that muffles footsteps, adding to the hall’s hushed, reverent atmosphere. Along the walls, large, gilded mirrors reflect the hall's grandeur, making the space seem even more expansive and luminous and finally entered her room.

She quickly laid down on the comfortable bed, taking a deep breath. Unknowingly, she drifted into sleep due to the fatigue from her travels.

"Puppet... puppet... puppet..." Nari suddenly awoke from her sleep, hearing the whispers of a lady. She looked around her room, checking if anyone was inside.

"Puppet? What does that mean?" Nari muttered to herself and looked out the window. "Oh, it is already sunrise. There is no time to fall back asleep now."

After a few minutes, having awoken due to the whispers, she changed into a light-weighted frock with a floral pattern. The sun was already up, shining brightly.

A sudden knock was heard at her door, and she permitted the person to enter. A lady-in-waiting came in and greeted her.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness. Her Majesty requests your presence at breakfast before the first day of training begins."

Nari nodded and walked out, heading to breakfast.

Nari sat down at the massive table with everyone, greeted them, and began eating. She took quick glances at the seven boys, the seven princes of the Imperial family. She was eating peacefully when suddenly...

"Puppet... puppet..." Nari stopped eating and looked around, searching for the source of the whispers.

"Is anything amiss, Princess Nari?" the Empress inquired.

"No, no, I am well. I was just taking a look around," Nari lied and quietly finished her meal. After a few hours, the first day of training concluded. Nari actually found the training enjoyable.

Nari wished to speak with the boys, but the thick ice between them remained unbroken. They only introduced themselves and engaged in no further conversation. The boys were always amongst themselves, making Nari feel alone, but she kept reminding herself that her purpose at the palace was not to make friends with the seven princes; she had to remain focused.

During the training, Nari quietly observed the boys. From their introductions, she learned that the eldest is Prince Heeseung, so attractive with a smug look on his face. Prince Jay, the second, has a very feisty appearance. Prince Jake, the third, radiates immense energy. Prince Sunghoon, the fourth and heir to the crown, possesses an icy beauty. Prince Sunoo, next, has very soft features and also exudes great energy. Prince Jungwon, the sixth, has cat-like features which are very pretty, and the youngest, Prince Niki, though young, looks truly intimidating.

Nari smiled to herself while walking to her room. "He never said I would have to deal with seven princes like these. This will be hard," Nari murmured as she closed the door behind her upon entering her room. She suddenly got startled by the guest inside.

"Oh my God, you scared me!" Nari exclaimed, holding her chest in shock.

"I am sorry, but I wondered why you did not worry about greeting me," Taeoh said.

"Oh Taeoh, I just did not get a chance to meet you," Nari said, looking down, feeling a bit guilty.

"No, it is fine, Princess Nari, but it is nice seeing you again after a long time," Taeoh said, bowing politely to show respect to the princess. Nari and Taeoh had been friends for a long time, but due to residing in different castles, they did not see each other often. Their communication was limited to letters.

"Same here, but did you talk to Nadia? I could not contact her for a week now," Nari asked Taeoh.

"Oh, did she not tell you that she was going to the witches' city to obtain some things the master wanted?"

"Perhaps she forgot. Anyways, I should speak to Master before sleep," Nari said to Taeoh as she sat on her bed.

"Do you have any other place to be? If not, lock the door and stay here until I am done," Nari instructed, and Taeoh agreed. Nari prepared herself to contact her Master. She made herself comfortable, brought her hands to her chest, and recited some words with her eyes shut tightly.

"Master... I am here... talk to me... master... I am here..." Nari recited, and suddenly, her eyes started glowing, indicating that she was now in contact with her master.

"Nari, my daughter, you are finally home," a voice said.

"Yes, Master, I am, but this place feels different. I wish you could be here," Nari replied, while Taeoh listened to her speaking to someone he could not hear.

"But I am here, talking with you," the voice responded.

"Yes, but this is only through the communication line of our powers. I wish to meet you physically, Lord Dracula," Nari said, missing his presence.

"You will meet me again soon, but you must do what I instructed you to do in the palace. Do you remember?" Dracula asked her.

"Of course, I will surely accomplish it," Nari affirmed.

"I am sure you will," Lord Dracula said, and the communication line suddenly snapped due to a loud noise from outside her room. Nari returned to her senses, her eyes returning to normal.

"What was that?" Nari asked Taeoh, who simply shrugged, not knowing the cause.

"I will go check it out. Just stay here, Princess Nari," Taeoh said, but Nari stopped him.

"You cannot be seen by anyone leaving my room. Let me check," Nari said, heading towards her room door.

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