Mysteries of the Unknown

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This takes place before the Race to the Edge, meaning the Dragon Riders are still like sixteen or fifteen-year-olds. But they haven't met yet.



Moana was sleeping on Aliikai's side. She and the others were tired after partying with the Changewings. Speaking of which, the Changewings were sleeping with them on the beach. They sprawled around the sand or sleeping with her friends. The first Changewing was sleeping as its head rested on Moana's lap. Three Changewings were on a dog-pile on Maui, who was sleeping on the ground with the Changewings as his blankets. Keoni was leaning on Makaio's side, sleeping with some Changewings sprawled around them. Malie was sleeping beside Cayden with a Changewing cuddling next to her. Pua, Pōkole, and Mistral were sleeping on top of a sleeping Changewing. And Heihei, who was half buried in the sand again, was surrounded by sleeping Changewings. Soon the sun slowly rises, light shines down on the island and to group. Maui squinted his closed eyes when the light contacted his face. He grabs one of the Changewings' wings and shielded his face from the light.

"Can somebody turn off the sun? I need my beauty's sleep." Maui said tiredly before letting out a yawn.

The only response was grumbles and grunts from the dragons. However, Moana slowly wakes up by the sun's light and the dragons' sounds. She slowly sat up and stretched her arms with a yawn. She rubs her sleepy eyes before looking at the Changewing sleeping on her lap. Moana smiles as she gently strokes the dragon's head, earning happy purrs from the sleeping Changewing. Aliikai woke up and turned towards her human sister with a croon. Moana gently pats Aliikai's neck gently, earning happy purrs from her Night Fury.

"Come on, girl. Let's get some breakfast." Moana said gently.

Aliikai roared gently to her as she got up and stretched herself like a cat would. Moana withdrew herself from the sleeping Changewing before she and Aliikai went to the boat to get many fishes. As they did, they started cooking. The sweet smell of cooked fish caught the nose of the Changewings. They were woken up by the delicious smell and woke from their sleep. They turned to Moana and Aliikai as they were cooking many fishes.

Hungry, the Changewings got off their sleeping position and made their way to Moana and Aliikai. The Changewings that were dog-piling Maui got off him and walked towards the food. Maui woke up in a startle as he looked around.

"What happened?" Maui asked almost in alarm before letting out a yawn.

"Just making breakfast." Moana said as she served up the fishes.

The Changewings gathered around Moana and Aliikai, licking their jaws as they stared at the cooked fishes hungrily. Moana was lucky that Keoni and Maui caught a lot of fish. Moana gave the Changewings cooked fish for each of them. They all munched happily as the others got up from their sleep and went towards Moana as she gave the last Changewing its food before it walks away with its breakfast happily.

"Wow, you cook all of them for breakfast?" Keoni asked as Moana gave him his breakfast and Maui's.

"Yup!" Moana said with a smile.

Malie eats some apples and bananas. Mermaids don't eat meat or any sea-life, it's unhealthy for them and wrong. So, she's basically a vegetarian. The Dragons ate their breakfast with the others. The Changewings enjoyed their breakfast that Moana provided for them. They like these humans better than the other humans that always come to their island uninvited three times. The first one is that they stole their eggs, the second time they came in the middle of the night after they ruined their hunting, and they came again when they heard a Scauldron roaring about, but the humans and the Scauldron were long gone. But these humans are much nicer, and they look different from the humans here.

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