Dragon Bond

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The People of Motunui and the Seafolks of Aquatica became united again, thanks to Moana, Malie, and their friends. The Dragons enjoyed the celebration and meeting kind humans. The dragons headed back to their islands while some stayed at Motunui since some of the dragons befriended and bonded with the humans. Mavia befriended a Changewing that he named Pahuole (meaning Shiny) since his scales shine whenever he blends with his surroundings. Loa, Lua, and La'a made friends with Bing, Bam, and Boom. Somehow, those three kids were able to tame those wild baby dragons. They follow the kids whenever they go with Thornado watching them closely. They play games, dance, and share their foods with them. Everyone got their own dragons and befriended them. They even help the villagers with their daily tasks much quicker. When the merfolks and amphibian people were about to leave, they promised to visit them like when their ancestors did many years ago. Coral and Gil stayed behind with Sheldon, Inka, and Shocker the Shockjaw. So they can assist their new friends in rescuing the other dragons.

Because of this, King Seaton said to them that they are welcome to visit Aquatica as much as they like since they are friends and his daughter is with them. They appreciated the offer and said their farewells to the people of the Aquatica as they headed back home. The Submaripper, which they named her Tilly (It was Coral's idea to name her Tilly) and brought her to the deepest part of the ocean, where she can feel safe from danger. Soon, Moana and her friends prepare their journey back to the Norse Region, but this time, they have three extra help.

And those are Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala.

Koenis's older sisters volunteer to help them bring back other dragons to their region since they needed more help than ever. And with their parents' blessings, they went with Moana and her friends. They set sail the next day, and Keoni's sisters experienced the first cold of the Norse Region.

"By the Great Gods! This place is freezing!" Keilani exclaims, rubbing her hands together.

"You'll get used to it." Moana said with a smile.

"So where are we heading?" Makala asked.

Gil walked over to them, carrying a map that was given by Jade, and opened it to reveal islands. "Jade told us that there is an island called Crescent Island. It's overpopulated by dragons that have lost their homes." He explains.

"That's terrible." Malie said sadly, feeling pity towards the dragons.

"True, but in our region, they will have plenty of space there." Maui said.

Then Coral saw something from a distance. "Over there! That must be Crescent Island!" She said.

They followed her gaze and saw the small image of the island from a distance. They quickly set sail towards the island with their dragons. Though as they got closer, they saw that this island wasn't Crescent Island. Instead, this island has jagged rock structures jutting out of the waters, a beach of gravel, and one, a sole-dormant-volcano. They were able to navigate through it safely, thanks to their dragons. But when they landed on the beach, and rather than being covered in warm sand, it is composed primarily of what appears to be pebbles. It was strange for them, even Keoni's sisters, to be on a new island that wasn't like theirs or any other island.

"I have a feeling that this isn't Crescent Island." Maui said, looking at the pebbled ground.

"I have to agree with Maui on this." Girl said, looking at the map in hand and the island. "This island is so...creepy."

"Are all islands in the Norse Region like this?" Lanuola questioned, observing the ground.

"Not all islands are like this...but this takes the coconut." Maui answered while Mini Maui was pointing at something. "What is it little buddy?"

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