Chapter 3

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Today was the day, the day we played against Cornwall High School. I was ready to play, but nothing has gotten easier with the boys, more like it got worse.

I walked in the locker room and the boys were talking in multiple conversations. Coach walked in and they got quiet.

"Ok, this is our first game against Cornwall," Coach began. "Go out there and play your hardest and best." I was struggling with my hair and someone grabbed it.

"I got it," Desmond said and put it up.

"Thanks," I said and we walked out, we walked to the bench.

"You guys know your places," Grayson said. "This team is easy, let's win it. Hands in, in three. One, two, three."

"Eagles!" We yelled and I slipped in my mouth guard. I jogged on the field with the rest of them, we lined up and the other team was across from us.

We go set and they grabbed my thighs, they threw the ball and they put me in the air. I got the ball and tossed it to Grayson. He ran but got tackled, he dropped them ball and a Cornwall player got it. I tackled him and he dropped the ball, I grabbed it ran but I got clothes lined. I tossed the ball to Desmond and I got up as he scored.

We played more and we got set. The referee blew the whistle and we charged. A Cornwall player grabbed the ball and they charged at him, he tossed the ball and they kept like that. I ran after the boy and I tackled him to the ground. The ball rolled over the line and I got off him, he got up and pushed me hard. I stumbled back but caught my balance and got in my face.

"Mad you tackled by a girl?" I asked and pushed him back. "Get out of my face."

"10 minutes in the bin!" the referee said holding up a yellow card, I noticed he was talking me.

"What?" I yelled. "He pushed me!"

"Monroe, leave it," Desmond said and I walked and sat down. I shook my leg up and down and clenched my jaw and fists. The game ended but coach never put me back in, Grayson walked to me pissed and grabbed my hair.

"Ow," I winced and he pulled me to the locker room. He tossed me in and let go.

"What the hell was that?" He spat.

"Me?" I snapped. "He pushed me."

"You could've walked away, but you had to be all big and bad," he snapped. "Just because you're a girl, there's no special treatment."

"I don't want special treatment!" I spat. "You just dragged me in here by my hair!"

"What're you gonna do about it?" He snapped and I kept my mouth shut. "That's what I thought, be glad you didn't get kicked off." He walked away and I punched the locker, I sat down on the bench and put my head in my hands. I heard the boys come in cheering and I stood up.

I grabbed my bag and I walked out, I heard yelling and I stopped.

"She's on my team so I'll treat her like I want," Grayson snapped.

"You gotta remember, she's a girl," a boy snapped.

"A girl playing on a all boy rugby team," Grayson snapped. "If she doesn't like it, she can quit." I walked out and I walked to them, I looked at Grayson.

"Treat me like you want, but I'm not quitting this team," I said. "You know I'm good." He bent down to my level resting his hands on his knees.

"Good isn't great, Braylon," He said. "I don't know what school you're from, babydoll, but this is Eastside. I run this school and if you don't like it, walk right out. It's not that we don't want a girl on the team, we don't want you on the team." My throat burned and my jaw twitched. "Anything you wanna say?" My hand connected with his face sending a echo down the empty hall. His head flew left and he looked back at me.

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