Chapter 5

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I woke up and groaned, I heard Kali crying. I got up and I walked to the nursery, I picked her up and I walked downstairs. I fixed her a cup and I gave it to her, I walked back upstairs and I sat her on my bed.

"Bray's gotta get ready for school, sit right here baby," I said softly and she laid down drinking her cup. I slipped on skinny jeans and a shirt watching Kali closely. I finished getting dressed and I picked her up, I got her ready and I fixed her hair. "Mom!" I didn't hear a response. "Mama!"

"She's not here!" Blake yelled back, I picked Kali up and I walked downstairs.

"What am I suppose to do with Kali?" I asked and he put her bag on the table.

"She's going to school," he said.

"Grayson's gonna kill me," I mumbled.

"Why do you care?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Grayson not your dad, not your brother, and you don't date him. Yet you let him control what you do," he said.

"No, I don't," I said.

"Yeah, you do Braylon," he shot back.

"Whatever," I said and we walked out, I put Kali in her car seat and buckled her in. I climbed in and he drove to school, he parked and I got Kali out. I walked inside and all eyes were on me.

"Uh Braylon, why do you have a baby?" Desmond asked.

"Babysitting," I said.

"This is school, not a daycare," Grayson said.

"Can you hold her for a second?" I asked.

"No, I'm not holding a spit up machine," He said and she sat up, she looked at him. She reached for him and he didn't at first, but he took her. She looked at him. "Go to sleep."

"It doesn't work like that," I said, he narrowed his eyes at her and she copied him. She kissed him on the lips, but she had her pacifier in. She took it out and gave it to him, he put the back of it in his mouth. She tried getting it back, but he wouldn't let her. She looked at Desmond and poked out her lip.

"Grayson, you made her cry," he said, Grayson put it back in her mouth.

"Ok, you can give her back," I said.

"No way, she's mine," he said.

"She didn't come out of you," I said.

"Did she come out of you?" He shot back and I stayed quiet.

"No," I said low and he looked in my eyes and I looked away. I gave Kali her cup and she was trying to drink it with her pacifier, Grayson took the pacifier and put it in his mouth and she drunk the juice. The bell rang and we walked to our first class, he sat her on his lap and she laid back. He played with her hair and looked at the teacher. I looked back forward and class went on, the girls all drooled over him and thought he was so cute with a baby. Until I got beside him and he hit my face.

"You're not getting her," he said.

"I wasn't," I said, he looked around and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down an old hallway. He went to the end and looked in my eyes.

"I can't figure you out," He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can figure out so many people and who they are, but you," he started. "You're not normal."

"What're you trying to say? I'm an alien?" I asked.

"I haven't seen you tear up, once," he said. "You got slammed and I yanked you by your hair, screamed at you and scared you. You never showed me fear and never even teared up. Any girl would've cried."

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