𝐓𝐖𝐎 ✩ bittersweet

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the wounded man's eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision a little blurry. as soon as his sight cleared, he realized that he was laying in a bathtub he'd never been in before. he wasn't too freaked out by this considering this was not his first time waking up in a stranger's bathroom.

the sunlight peering through the tiny window above the shower head gave him just the right amount of light to see around the dimly lit bathroom. he took note of the fuzzy blue rug and matching toilet seat cover, and deducted that he was most likely inside a woman's house. then, he noticed a sweet, warm smell — his eyes adverting to a lit candle on the countertop next to the sink.

yeah, definitely a woman's house.

he attempted to rub his eyes, but his right arm would only lift so much. he looked to his forearm to see a piece of cloth wrapped around his wrist. he used his functioning hand to lift the cloth, and once his eyes met the bite wound, all the pain suddenly rushed back into his entire body. his head and veins in his right arm throbbed, and his throat felt as if he'd swallowed shards of glass.

what the fuck happened?

he tried his best to ignore the utter agony he was in as he attempted to use his good arm to push himself up so he could get out of the bathtub, but it was no use; his muscles were far too weak to hold his body weight. his body didn't even lift two inches before his arm gave out. he fell back with a thud, bumping the back of his head against the cold tub. sharp pains shot through his head and deeper into his spine.

a split second later, the door opened and angel examined the weakened man in her tub.

"oh, you're finally awake." angel squatted by the tub and grabbed his wounded arm. he groaned and scrunched his face up in pain. she apologized and loosened her grip. she used her pointer finger to lift the makeshift bandage to see the damage.

his eyes searched the strange-looking girl for some sort of answer as to why he was injured and in this bathtub, but she held no expression on her face. "what the hell happened to me?" his voice was hoarse.

"well..." angel licked her lips, covering the wounds back up with the t-shirt. "i bit you." she answered calmly. she sat herself on the top of the toilet seat, the fuzzy cover bringing her comfort.

he furrowed his eyebrows, not fully grasping the situation. "why would you do that?"

"you said i could."

"why the fuck would i say that?!" he wasn't exactly in his right mind at the moment, but it was clear he had better judgement now than he did last night.

"i don't know, you were drunk." angel knew he was extremely confused by the look on his face. "you wanted to help me, so you let me have some blood. you passed out from the pain — or maybe blood loss — so i took you to my home and cleaned you up. now, fourteen hours later, you're finally awake."

"fourteen hours!?" he exclaimed, his voice cracking. "i missed work!"

angel was perplexed. she couldn't believe humans prioritized their occupation this much. "that's what you're worried about?" she was almost offended. "i just told you that you're in a vampire's house. i could kill you if i wanted."

"i have bills to pay!" he tried to raise his voice. he used his good arm to grab his phone out of the pocket of his jeans, but, of course, it was dead. "do you have a charger?" he asked in a panicked tone.

astounded, angel retrieved a charger out of her living room. she stuck it into the outlet in the bathroom wall and plugged in his phone. she sat back down onto the toilet seat, holding in her legs with her arms and looking at the man in her bathtub through her black bangs.

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