𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✩ truth-serum

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tiny flakes of snow landed contently upon angel's already cold skin, making themselves at home on her black hair and clothing. she held her hands into the pockets of the thick black coat she wore — not for warmth, but to blend in with humans. she may come off as suspicious if humans witnessed her being perfectly comfortable wearing short-sleeved shirts and shorts while it was below freezing outside with windchill.

although most humans weren't very fond of heavy snow, it was angel's favorite, even before she turned.

chase was asleep, again. angel didn't quite remember how much sleep humans needed, but she still felt like he was sleeping way more than an average human does. he must have really needed to catch up on sleep.

angel still hasn't decided what to do with chase. forming a connection with a human wasn't really what she planned on doing, but she needed his blood. it annoyed her how much she enjoyed it; something about his blood replenished her and gave her much, much more strength and energy than normal blood usually did.

which must mean his blood isn't normal.

the snow reminded her of a memory she had with red; just the two of them making snow angels and then enjoying warm cups of blood together. the snow may have been tainted red afterwards, but it didn't make it any less pure in angel's eyes.

angel wasn't a big fan of blood while she was human, it kinda freaked her out. but, now that she relies on it for survival, the sight of blood had the same effect that glitter did to humans — it put her in a trance. blood was the most beautiful thing in existence to her, now. the darker, the better, and the more, the merrier.

she quickly made her way outside of new york city and deep into the forest where the wild animals roamed. she silently searched the dark, snowy woods, coming across countless amounts of wild rabbits that didn't even notice her presence. angel didn't want to have to eat them, though. they were so cute and too small to eat... but if she had to, she must.

she continued her search for a predator that at least had a chance of fighting back. not a very favorable chance, of course, but it felt better than devouring animals with absolutely no chance.

angel heard very quiet and gentle smacking sounds towards the far south of her. she quietly ran to the scene, landing on a thick tree branch with little to no sound so that she could see from above without disturbing the animal below.

there was a white cat, as white as the snow, feasting on a bunny's stomach. deep-red blood stained its face, mostly around the mouth and head. it oddly comforted angel; this was the true art of survival.

angel quietly jumped down from the tree, unintentionally snapping a small twig that caught the cat's attention. the cat snapped to look at angel, the fur on its tail puffing up and it's back raising in defense mode.

"you're a hungry kitty, aren't you?" angel spoke in a quiet, smooth tone, which seemed to soothe the cat because it softened out of its fight position. "you're so pretty with blood all over you." she smiled at the cat, who looked to be a boy.

the cat cautiously walked towards angel, rubbing its face among her ankles and leaving streaks of blood on her jeans, but she didn't mind for obvious reasons. she squatted down to pet the cats matted fur, a frown forming on her face.

"you need to be brushed, don't you?" she asked, but the cat only responded by rubbing on her legs some more, his tail pointed straight up. she grabbed some leaves and grass out of his fur, but it still needed to be brushed thoroughly since his fur was long.

"when you're done eating, do you wanna come hunt with me?" angel asked. it seemed as though the cat was able to understand her because it pranced towards the dead bunny and continued feasting.

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