𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 ✩ lava girl

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angel used her laptop to play solitaire as she uneventfully waited for chase to wake up from his slumber. she wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do with him, yet. she debated on whether or not she could trust him not to go running his mouth about the vampire that drank some of his blood and then took him home with her. she didn't necessarily see him as someone that had very many people to talk to, but she didn't want to take any chances.

she took her attention off the digital cards displayed on her laptop screen, curiously examining chase's changing expressions as he slept. his eyebrows furrowed and his eyeballs moved from behind his eyelids. she could hear his heart beat change pace, making her curious to know what he was dreaming of. it didn't seem like it was a particularly sweet dream.

as chase moaned and groaned in his sleep, angel reverted her attention back to her laptop. she sighed before she exited the ancient game that was pre-downloaded onto the device, opened up google chrome and typed "fangbook.com" into the search bar. as expected, collages and videos of red filled her timeline with sentimental and emotional captions from basically everybody who ever crossed paths with her.

this is exactly why angel hadn't been on the site as much as she used to. it was no surprise to her that so many people knew and cared for red, she was a social butterfly and fun to be around. you don't meet a lot of vampires with the same heart as her; all she really wanted was the best for everyone, including all species of beings. there were many people enamored and completely in love with her. but, of course, this amount of love also came with hate and obsession.

there were countless times angel would hear red complain about the excessive attention she'd get from many different people — whether it be envious friends, people that looked up to her, or obsessed stalkers. she was a magnet for all types of people, but especially those who were in need of healing. because of her big heart, she had trouble setting boundaries with people and this inevitably led to her hiding away from pretty much everyone she didn't trust. near the end of her life, angel was one of the very few people who still had access to her.

that she knew of, at least.

red was a private person, so angel wasn't exactly sure who else had access to her during her last days. she figured that sort of information would give her a clue as to who murdered her and what for. considering red was the one that introduced angel to the coffee shop they last visited together, she wanted to ask the blood-baristas if she ever brought anyone else there, but they wouldn't even allow angel to step foot in the building.

although angel was furious about all the false accusations pertaining to her, she understood and accepted the fact that people deeply cared for red, and were just trying to find closure.

angel went to red's profile on fangbook.com and did some digging through her profile for any cryptic or suspicious posts. she looked through all the tagged photos from people who were close to her, and from people who wish they were close to her. she read through many posts before she came across one that stood out from the rest — a photo of a well-known werewolf named layla. angel didn't know her very well, but she'd had short conversations with her whenever they crossed paths. they weren't exactly normal conversations, though.

layla is a strange girl. she'd been known to date outside of her species and only outside her species. sure, that isn't a crime, but it is frowned upon. people were not too fond of cross-breeds, mostly because they came out looking weird, or would have an unusual mix of powers.

the photo showed layla's arm around red's shoulders, holding her extremely close to her body. red had a very faint smile on her face, as if she was forcing it. angel could tell by red's body language that she was uncomfortable. layla, however, looked extremely thrilled to have red in her grasp. her smile was so big that her eyes were nearly closed.

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