𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 ✩ vanilla and strawberries

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angel walked up to her door, a warm and fuzzy ghost wrapped in her arms. the cat purred into her skin, the vibrations being sent through angel's body and it felt as if she was being healed by him.

she quickly picked the lock and entered her apartment, placing ghost on the floor so he could check out her home. she closed and locked the door behind her, immediately smelling marijuana.

she turned to chase whom sat back on the couch, a quarter of a blunt in between his lips as he cocked an eyebrow at angel. "who's this?" he asks, referring to the fluffy cat currently sniffing his feet.

"ghost." angel almost smiled. "met him in the woods, he was eating a rabbit." angel explained, yanking the black jacket off her shoulders and tossing it to the side of the hallway. she walked towards the couch and sat next to chase, leaving enough room that another person could comfortably sit in between them.

"that explains the blood." he chuckled, smoke emitting from his mouth as he spoke. he attempted to hand the blunt to angel, but she shook her head no as she took her shoes off. he rolled his eyes and took another hit.

considering he was using his wounded arm a lot more and not whining in pain, he seemed to be doing a lot better than before. "how are you feeling?" she questioned, examining the scabbing bite marks she left on his wrist.

he shrugged. "i can move my arm now, so that's cool. as long as i'm high, my head doesn't hurt. so, i'm okay.. i think." he sounded bored as he spoke. angel nodded her head, looking away from him.

"good enough to go home?"

chase cleared his throat quietly. "about that.." he paused, ashing the blunt onto a piece of cardboard from one of his frozen tv dinners. "i got evicted today." he states awkwardly. he pushes his back off the couch and sits leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

angel stopped herself from sighing. of course. "where are you gonna go?" she asks him.

"i don't know. definitely not home, though." he laughs, but angel could tell he was masking his stress.

she hesitated before she spoke up. "you can stay here until you find somewhere." she says quietly, looking down at the carpet.

"no, it's okay, i'll find a place." he shakes his head, sounding uncertain about his words. "i'll figure it out."

"well, if you can't, then." she stands from the couch, picking ghost up from chase's lap and carrying him into the kitchen area. she placed him into the sink where he gladly sat down and rubbed onto angel's hands.

she directed the water faucet into the other empty sink and then turned on the hot water. she looked to chase, her hand under the running water.

"can you help me, please?" she asks the high man relaxing on her couch. he nods and puts out his blunt. he stands from the couch and walks towards angel, facing her as he leans against the counter.

"what could a human possibly help a vampire with?"

"can you tell me if this water is too hot for a cat? i can't tell."

he chuckles. "sure." he says, holding his hand under the running water. "it's a bit too hot." he states, in which angel slightly turns the knob for colder water. "perfect." he nods his head and retrieves his hand from the water, wiping his hands on his shirt.

angel thanks him as she cups water into her hand and gently pours it onto ghost's back, allowing him to get used to the feeling of water. he seemed not to mind too much, and licked his paws as angel continued pouring warm water onto him.

chase noticed a small wound on her neck that he didn't remember seeing before. "did you hurt yourself?" he asks, leaning a little closer to get a better view of her injury.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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