Chapter twenty six

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Fourth continues to toss and turn in bed, he reaches over for his phone as he checks the time and it is 3am. He sits himself up in bed and realises he is alone in bed, he shuffles himself out of bed he looks over to Gemini's office area and sees no sofa bed laid out, reaches for his robe.

He exits the bedroom he looks down from the stairs and sees that the light is still on and sees the back of Gemini's head, he sighs to himself as he makes his way down the stairs, he continues to look over to Gemini he clocks an glass of whiskey in his hand he shakes his head as he picks up his speed down the stairs.

He stands himself in front of Gemini he reaches for the glass but Gemini bet him to it and moves the glass from Fourths reach.

"Seriously Hia its 3am" Fourth snides with his arms crossed

Gemini looks up with his head shaking and slurring his words "Ohh you still call me Hia?"

Fourth shakes his head as he turns to walk away "Fine I won't"

Gemini leans himself over as he grabs onto Fourth's wrist "Please stop being angry with me"

Fourth moves back to Gemini, Gemini leans his head onto Fourth stomach, Fourth sighs "You know Neo being here is not the only reason I am angry with you right now"

Gemini looks up with a pout "Why what else did I do?"

Fourth looks down "My brother? Jimmy told me what you argued about"

Gemini leans back as he takes Fourths wrists "I was worried about you and everyone else and I took it out on Phuwin I am sorry"

Fourth crouches down in front of Gemini "It's not me you need to apologise to"

Gemini nods as he rests his head onto Fourth's "I'm trying my best to fight these feelings Fourth"

Fourth slowly lifts his head, Gemini follows, Fourth helps Gemini as he holds his head up "Hia....We can't-"

Before Fourth could finish Gemini kisses him to stop his sentence, Fourth slightly taken back but allows the kiss and proceeds to kiss him back.

Fourth brings himself to stop. Gemini looks directly at him "Then what should I do?"

Fourth's eyes become full of tears "You have had a lot to drink ok, we can talk more in the morning"

Gemini shakes his head "No let's talk now, do you feel nothing after all this time?"

Fourth shakes his head in denial "Hia please I don't want this conversation now"

Gemini tilts his head back and brings it back down "Then when?"

Fourth shrugs his shoulders "Hia I have seen my brother lie awake for hours waiting for Naravit to walk through the door and the emotions he has to go through when he walks through the door all beaten up and now I know why he would come home in that state, Hia I am scared"

Gemini lets a tear fall "I would never come home to you like that"

Fourth lets his tear out "You can't promise that"

Gemini wipes the tear that fell from Fourth's eye "Then let me promise if I break it then you can do what you want to do"

Fourth lifts his hand up as he holds out his pinky finger "Promise"

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