Chapter seventeen

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“I’m here I bought you guys more wine, that’s what Jimmy text for anyway….” Sea is shouting as he makes his way through the house only to be greeted with Dunk and Phuwin who sit closely together as they both stare at their phones on the table. 

Sea suddenly realising he drops the bag of shopping without realising until a smash follows, Sea still staring into space knowing where his boyfriend could be right now, Phuwin becomes alert as he hears the smash of the wine bottle, he and Dunk race themselves to Sea.

“Hey Sea! Sea!” Dunk is shouting to Sea who is still in his own thoughts.

Phuwin takes Sea’s arm and begins to shake, Sea suddenly shakes his own head as he turns to look at Phuwin, a tear falls from his eye. Phuwin begins to comfort him “Sea listen to me Jimmy is just going to the bar where Fourth is so you don’t need to worry”

Sea nods to Phuwin “Ermm ok, I just need to go to the bathroom” 

Sea starts to make his way to the bathroom as he is walking he begins to retrieve his phone from his pocket. 

“Hey Phuwin, how long have Jimmy and Sea been together?” Dunk asks as they both make their way back to the table.

“Hmm I think 5 years I know they have always been together but i’m not sure how feelings got developed, but Jimmy is besotted with Sea” Phuwin replies.

Dunk nods “I mean it’s funny if I ever have problems with Jimmy at university I threaten to call Sea” 

Phuwin giggles “Dunk! You shouldn’t do that”

Dunk shrugs his shoulders “It works though”

Sea is standing still at the bottom of the stairs staring at his phone with a text from his lover

‘Read this carefully, I am going into northside bar to find Fourth with the others but you cannot tell the others, I promise I will be back soon I love you’

A tear leaves Sea’s eye.

“Hey Sea, is everything ok?” Phuwin shouts as he can see him standing by the stairs.

Sea wipes his tears as he turns around to go to Phuwin and Dunk “I’m fine I just think the worst I should really start asking before I jump to conclusions”

Phuwin looks at Sea with a boxed smile “Hey we have been here many times before and we get through it big or small”

Sea nods as he leans his head onto Phuwins shoulder.


Fourth continues to drink the drink offered by Nanon, Earth looks over to Mix with concerned eyes, Mix edges himself forward “Ok Nanon that’s enough now ok”

Nanon slouched in his chair begins to laugh “Ohh Mix I’m just getting started! Perth take their phones”

Earth looks towards Nanon with anger “Phones? Why?”

Nanon finally brings himself up straight “I want to know who you have text”

Earth rolls his eyes as he takes his phone from his pocket, Mix follows, followed by Fourth.

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