Chapter thirty four

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Phuwin begins to clear the area as he takes the folder "Ok great I will email you with final designs and guest lists and have everything delivered"

The managers nods as they leave the room, followed by Phuwin.

Phuwin leaves the room he looks over to the library he walks in as he sees Mond at the printer he walks over "Hey Mond how is it going?"

Mond greets Phuwin "Ok we still have a lot to do. Are you here to see Fourth"

Phuwin shakes his head "No I am here planning the halloween event"

Mond nods "Really I love halloween"

Phuwin smiles "Really I will make sure you get an invite"

Mond smiles with a nod "Shall I show where Fourth is"

Phuwin nods "Yeah I will see how he is"

Phuwin walks in there little room, he stands by the door smiles to himself to see Fourth hard at work, Mond taps Fourths shoulder as he points to the door, Fourth stands himself up "Phuwin"

Phuwin smiles "Shall we get a drink?"

Fourth smiles "Ok you guys want anything"

Jimmy holds up his empty cup followed by Mond.

Fourth smiles as he and Phuwin exit the room, Fourth links arms with his big brother leaning into his shoulder, Phuwin looks down "Are you tired?"

Fourth yawns "A little"

Phuwin smiles down to him "I am proud of you"

Fourth smiles "I want you to be proud of me"

Phuwin smiles "Ok let's get you all some drinks before I start crying"

Fourth nods as they walk arm in arm.


"Ohh Fourth are you done?" Naravit shouts

Fourth shakes his head "No not at all"

Naravit chuckles "You can do it"

Phuwin looks around "Gemini we will have a coffee"

Gemini turns around and nods.

Phuwin sits himself down with Fourth.

Gemini comes over with the coffee's, he walks around the table to sit himself next to Fourth, Fourth looks at him "Thank you Hia"

Phuwin takes a sip of his coffee "Is the library ok here?"

Fourth nods "It's so much better than at the university and quiet"

Gemini buts in "Well no one uses my meeting room so it is always available"

Fourth smile "Can I stay at the hotel if I need to?"

Before Gemini could answer Naravit buts in "Of course you can, can't he Gemini"

Gemini nods as he sips his drink "Of course i'll give you my spare room key, Jimmy has his own room already and I will ask them to keep a room free for Mond while you are working on this project"

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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