Chapter Three| Misplaced

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June 18th, 1931 4:32PM - Main Timeline

Three flashes of light and a sonic boom and Scott McFly appeared. He stumbled, falling into the wet street below.

"Honk! Honk!" A horn sounded.

Scott looked up to find himself with a black Buick Series 40 Phaeton. Scott stood up and brushed himself off.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He stated, brushing himself off and waving.

The people in the car were dressed like the 1930s. His brow furrowed. He backed up, bumping into a man in a black suit and top hat.

"Hey watch where you're going you twit!" He stated.

"Sorry. My apologies." Scott responded, pantomiming a top hat and a bow.

He looked down at his watch.

"Busted." He said as the watch was singed.

He looked around and looked up to see a fully built and operational Clock Tower.

"When the hell am I?" He questioned before turning and looking up to see a department store. He squinted at it.

He saw a puffy blue dress in the window. On the outside of the window was a name.


"Great Scott!" Scott shouted before going into the store.

He walked in, looking around for Eliza Hill-McFly whom he, Dawn, and Brady had run into about six months prior.

"Mrs. McFly!?" He shouted.

He looked around the story to see clothes that were fairly different to the ones he had seen in her store before. Her store was also bigger and more advanced than he'd previously seen.

"I'm definitely later than 1915." Scott muttered to himself, searching the clothes.

He spotted a black top hat he liked and placed it on his head.

"Hey, fits nice." He said to himself.

"Kid Tannen! Is that you!? I swear if you hoodlums don-" he heard an older woman's voice shouting from the back room before she walked out, squinting at him.

"A-Arty is that you?" She asked, questioning if Scott was her son, reminding him of his interaction with her in 1915 where she had mentioned his resemblance to their son who at the time was slightly younger than him.

"Y-yes momma, it's me." Scott responded, playing up the party of Arthur.

"Oh! Arty! What a pleasant surprise!" She shouted, hugging him tight.

"Now what in heavens are you wearing!?" She questioned, staring down at his outfit.

"Oh, this, uh..." Scott stammered, wearing the red vest with the logo of the flux capacitor on it.

"It's just something I was trying out.." Scott stated, embarrassed.

"Well it's rather hideous. You should put on a change of clothes before this evening's festivities my dear." The old woman grinned softly.

"Festivities?" Arthur questioned.

"You know, the big science fair here in the town square! Did'ya forget my boy?" She questioned.

"Yeah..yeah I did and I just uh, well, I came to you for a new suit for the event." Scott lied.

"Oh sweet boy, you do know your mother's fashion sense. Keep that top hat deary . I do love it on you." She smiled.

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