Two negatives and a positive

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Origins of a Broken Record shit-
Characters: Vyctor (Top, will let Kibu top though), Kibu (Switch), and Elliot (Bottom boy)

Warning I guess: threesome 🐈‍⬛, kinky shit (hair pulling, praise I guess), blood from bites? Idk

It's cannon Elliot has some kind of praise kink, and Kibu has a degradation kink (just not exactly shown in this cuz I forgot to write it -_-)

Is a little rushed, but welp ;v;

Kibu: Demon Prince (Demons represent Sin) 'Negative'
Vyctor: Vampire King (Vampires represent indulgences) 'Negative'
Elliot: Dragon Prince (Dragons represent wisdom) 'Positive'

Kibu, Vyctor, and Elliot are all around the same age, don't come after me >:[


The room was dark. Dim candles were hung on the walls. The walls were black with paintings of forests and scenery hung up. The bed was huge with crimson red sheets and black blankets. Translucent, black bed curtains were like blurry windows around the bed. Two figures were close together on the comfy mattress.

“Come onnn! Give me a smile!” Kibu giggled softly. His tail curled around Vyctor's leg as he kissed his neck. Vyctor kept his same stoic expression. His red eyes looked down at Kibu as the shorter demon moved around over him. Kibu had always been one to tease, so he liked to mess with Vyctor.

Vyctor couldn't help but blush, even if his expression kept void of emotion.

“No way.” Vyctor told Kibu. Kibu just growled and bit Vyctor's neck. Kibu, being a demon, had sharp teeth. Vyctor let out a soft surprised yelp. “Kibu!?”

Vyctor lifted Kibu’s chin up so they were at eye level with each other. Kibu had a smug look on his face. Vyctor felt the heat in his cheeks rising. Kibu always looked hot. From his red eyes, sharp teeth, curved and nicely shaped body, to his playful and teasing personality…Vyctor really scored with him. Even if he had a hard time expressing himself, he loved Kibu. He loved both of his partners.

Actually, speaking of his other partner, Elliot, a dragon hybrid, was off managing his own prince duties. This meant Vyctor and Kibu were alone.

Kibu was originally in Vyctor's chambers to annoy and cuddle him, but their cuddle session was slowly starting to escalate.

Kibu ran his hands up Vyctor's chest beneath his top. His clawed hands gently caressing his sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Vyctor shivered and looked into Kibu's eyes.

“You tease me, really.” He sighed. “You're a jerk.”

Kibu dramatically gasped and put a hand to his heart. “Me? A jerk? You wound me, so!” He laughed. His smile was so precious. Vyctor couldn't help himself and pulled him down into a kiss.

Kibu was caught off guard, but gave into it. He slipped his tongue into Vyctor’s mouth. His tongue swirling and dancing with his. He traced Vyctor's fangs, which were longer and sharper, since he was a vampire.

Vyctor's hands tangled in Kibu's hair as he kissed him passionately. The feeling of their saliva mixing in the warm depths of each other's mouths was so intoxicating.

After a second, Kibu pulled off for air. A trail of saliva dripping between both their lips. Kibu's tail flicked smoothly from side to side. His eyes now revealed a glint of mischief.

“My, my, just couldn't hold yourself back, yes, dear?” Kibu hummed. He was laying over Vyctor's body. His legs straddled the vampire beneath him. Vyctor huffed and rolled his eyes. “I can do what I want, Ki.”

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