Breaking backs and breaking out

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Part two: Dynamite and Lua

Dynamite: Sun Prince (Antagonist; Everyone hates him)
Lua: Shapeshifter (Silly guy; everyone loves him)

Type: Enemies to lovers; Opposites attract

Dynamite is a top, Lua is a bottom.

Side characters: Tetris (Acid-Elemental), Asylum (Scorpion)

Warnings(?): Degradation, Bdsm(?), Biting, hair pulling, roughness, overstimulation


The Rubix was a high-tech, secure, power prison. Specifically designed for the supernatural and power-wielding. It lives up to its name, as it is literally a rubix cube. The entire structure floats in the sky, above a black ocean. The start of the prison isn't even the cube. It's a rectangular structure that acts as an entrance and a mini prison for the non-power folk, like humans or the unmagical. Then there is a large hall that is divided into two. In and out. The cube portion of the prison is what most call “The Rubix”, but the name generally means the whole prison anyways. Though, the actual name for the prison is “Raundu Felxe”. In Upix-speak (this world's term for a “god-like” creatures), that means “Unmerciful Demise”. The rubix part of the prison works as an actual rubix cube would, always moving and changing. The cube is colored soft red, pink, and white. Red cubes hold 30 individual mini cubes that are cells. In-between each mini cube are elevators and hallways for guards to access rooms. Pink cubes hold offices, control rooms, and necessities guards would need and what prisoners would need. White cubes were bigger halls that acted as mazes to confuse prisoners that would attempt to escape. These halls would move and change every day, and only workers knew the way around. In addition, you would need passcodes, passwords, key cards, hand print identification, voice identification, and face identification to get through doors and passways. Though tedious as it is, it's not impossible for some people to “solve the cube”.

The sound of feet and boots running across the ground sounded through the air. Asylum dodged cameras, motion detectors, and lasers that were planted in the white halls. They ran with Dynamite, who had sun flares that danced off his golden, curled hair. Asylum wore the red prison outfit, which was a one piece suit with trackers on them. They had theirs ripped out. They spent a lot of time in this prison and had gotten through most of it a lot of times, but every time they had promptly gotten caught. Now, they had assistance. In return for the help, they were helping out a buddy of theirs. Dynamite came here, dressed in a black and gold assassin outfit, looking for some shapeshifter, mail delivery guy. Like, why do you need him? There are a lot of great shapeshifters that could probably deliver things too. What about this guy was so important? Well, moving on, Tetris was sent off into the pink cubes to cut off cameras and alarms, as well as some traps. But it would take some time, because this place was loaded with guards and trigger traps and sensors.

Asylum stopped at a corner and fixed up their short, white hair that fluffed up on the sides. They had no shoes, and were vulnerable to floor traps like: Burning surfaces, glass/razors, and poisonous insects that would be sent into rooms, etcetera. Dynamite stopped when they stopped. He adjusted his black gloves and looked at Asylum. Making a hand gesture that signaled them to go one way while he went the other. The hall split two ways.

“Be on the lookout.” Dynamite instructed to Asylum.

Asylum nodded as Dynamite went ahead. Asylum ran down the other hall, keeping an eye out for guards. They ran off and kept a lookout.

Meanwhile, Dynamite walked down the other hall and was met with a secured, locked door. He rigged and hacked into the code padlock and opened the door. He didn't have much trouble, since Tetris probably found a control room and worked his magic. This includes disabling the security cameras, motion detectors, heat sensors, and traps set up.

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