Tainted white wings

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Part 3!!!!

Characters: Miylus (Werewolf Prince) and Quill (Angel Prince)

Werewolves represent wrath and rage
Angels represent purity (definitely not gonna happen in this ‘chapter’ 💀)

Miylus is the top, Quill is the bottom (in denial)

Warnings(?)Kinks, basically: Praise(?), first times (doing it), biting (again), hair pulling (again, idk).


In the castle of the Ezredite’s, the Angel ‘Powers’ (Royalty), were prepping for the arrival of some guests for a party. The walls were white and soft blue, made from many materials such as glass, marble, and quartz. The angel's flew and ran about, setting up tables, food, and entertainment. All while Quill, the Angel Prince, was up in his room with a “not-so-welcomed” visitor.

You see, Quill was secretly in love with Miylus, a werewolf. But not any werewolf, he was the prince of his kind. Just like Quill was with the angels. How they fell in love was at the “Full Moon Gathering” which was a giant party where every species ‘power’ attended. Ever since they met, he couldn't seem to stop thinking about that wolf. Yes, Miylus was a ‘negative’ (“bad” species that typically represents something “negative”), and he, himself, was a ‘positive’ (“good” species that typically represents something “positive”), but he couldn't give his heart to anyone else.

No one could make Quill feel happy the way Miylus makes him feel happy. His heart fluttered and clinged to the wolf the moment his eyes set on him. His fluffy, long, grey hair with soft white bangs, his gentle, soft ears, his tail, his mussel, his teeth, his beautiful sunflower yellow eyes. Every curve and angle of Miylus's body he fell in love with. The way his claws gently ran over his soft, perfect skin sent shivers down his spine.

Quill was alone in his champers with Miylus on top of him. His breathing got heavy, as the wolfs hands felt his body everywhere they could. Every corner of his skin was never to be left untouched. Kisses traveling all on his neck to his abdomen. It was the sinful heaven he craved.

"I'm I allowed to keep going?" Miylus looked up at the angel.

Quill's body shifted lightly as he left out a soft breath. His gentle purple eyes meeting with the dangerous yellow eyes of his lover. He felt his heart skip a beat and his nerves jump into effect. Miylus's eyes softened and he moved up back to Quill's face, rubbing little circles into his hip and thigh.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I want you to be happy and to feel loved, so if you aren't sure just yet, I understand, my love."

Quill's gorgeous, white wings fluttered lightly. His hands finding Miylus's shoulders.
He took a deep breath and smiled beautifully.

"No, I do want to do this. I'm just nervous. I don't want to make a mistake..." The angel confessed.

Miylus sighed softly, his expression relaxing.

"It's okay, Quill. This is your first time, don't worry about doing something wrong. If something makes you uncomfortable, please correct me. I want this to be perfect for you."

Quill's face brightened and he giggled.

"Okay, dear. I'll follow your lead and tell you if I don't like something." He agreed.

With this confirmation, Miylus smiled back down at his angel.

"We can go at your pace, okay?" Miylus said.

Quill nodded. "That sounds good. Can...can we kiss?" He asked.

The tall wolf giggled and leaned down. His arms resting on both sides of Quill's head, his hands playing with Quill's hair and running through long strands of smooth, white hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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