Look out on a summer's day | Chapter two

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When Will woke up, the first thing he noticed was the thumping of his head.

He groaned and rolled over.

The second thing he noticed, was Mike. In his bed. spooning Will. Shirtless.

Uh oh.

Will had no memory of what had happened last night, he cursed himself for drinking too much.

The third thing he noticed, was how fucking painful his hand was.

"Oh shit," he groaned, lifting it up and inspecting the bandaged injury. It was swollen and bruised and hurt like hell. The memories of the night start to come back to him.

the fourth and final thing Will noticed, was that his mum was making noise around the house, which means she'd come home last night to Mikes car in the driveway and most definitely opened the door to Wills room to say hi.


It wasn't that she'd care about Mike being over, or that Will was most definitely drunk or even that Mike was in Wills bed cuddling him.

It was that She knew he was gay, that he had a crush on Mike and that Mike was in his bed, shirtless.

He has to tell her that nothing happened before she makes Mike uncomfortable when he eventually wakes up. Nothing happened right? No, Mike is straight. Will was drunk. Nothing happened.

Will winces as he sits up, the pain in his head making it hard to think. He notices Mike shift slightly in his sleep, one arm moving to rub his bare chest absently. He swallows hard, trying to push down the warmth spreading through his chest.

He carefully climbs out of bed, trying not to wake Mike, and pads over to his door.

When he reaches the kitchen, he spots his mum in her usual spot, at the counter, a steaming mug of coffee in hand. She looks up at him, a small smile on her lips.

"Good night last night?" She asks teasingly.

Will groans. "I am never drinking alcohol again."

She laughs.

"El said the same thing when her and Max came home last night." she says, shaking her head with a smile. "I made you and Mike coffee, it's on the bench, you're lucky El didn't steal them."

Okay, so she definitely knows Mike is here.

Will grabs his coffee and sits across from her, clearing his throat.

"Um Me and Mike we didn't-"

Joyce smiles reassuringly "It's okay Will I don't care, as long as you're being safe."

"No, No!" Will panics, this is not how this was meant to go. "I- we didn't do anything. I drank too much last. night and cut my hand and-"

It's Joyces turn to panic now, "You cut your hand?!" she reaches for his bandaged hand and he struggles not to spill his coffee on himself.

"Yes but it's fine, Mike took me home obviously and he must of helped me clean it," Will stammers trying to remember what happened next "Then I threw up... A lot." he winced at the hazy memory "And then I asked him to stay." he left out the part about how he cried in Mikes arms.

"Oh Will," Joyce sighs, shaking her head, releasing his sore wrist. "You're a dork." She smiles fondly at him. "I'm so glad Mike was there with you."

Will feels a warmth spread across his chest again.

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