In colors on the snowy, linen land | Chapter four

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Mike woke up at 6 the next morning, Will still wrapped in his arms as he groggily remembered last night.

He pulls himself out of bed, careful not to wake Will up, and quietly changes into some clothes. Heading downstairs, he finds everyone unsurprisingly still asleep. Mike makes himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen, then takes his mug and walks outside. The air is crisp and cool, the sky overcast much like it always is these days but not yet drizzling. He finds himself wandering aimlessly, not sure where to go or what to think. He knows that him and Will need to tell the others, but that can wait for later that day, for now, Will deserves a rest.

As he's walking, he passes by a small park, the swings and seesaw eerily silent. It's a place where they used to play as kids, before everything changed. He sits down on a swing, absently kicking his feet back and forth, lost in thought.

He sips his coffee aimlessly, lost in thought. He can't believe he'd let Will get hurt like this again, maybe if he'd been there more or moved in sooner Will wouldn't be going through this again.

He remembers the first time they'd met, it was at a swing set much like this one in kindergarten.

"Hey," Mike had said, "My name's Mike. Will you be my friend?"

Will had looked at him with wide eyes, his face still streaked with tears. He nodded slowly, sniffling. "Okay."

From that day forward, they'd been inseparable. They'd grown up together, gone through school together, fought monsters and saved the world multiple times together.

But now, here Mike was, back at the park, alone. It was all Mike could do to keep from breaking down, to keep himself together enough to take care of Will.

after about 20 minutes, Mike makes his way home, mug now empty.

He finds Will cuddled on the couch, looking lost and bit distraught.

"Hey," Mike says softly, sitting down beside him.

Will looks at him, his eyes wide and worried.

"Where did you go?" he whispers.

Mike hesitates for a moment, unsure how to answer. "I just needed some air, I'm okay now."

Will nods slowly, seemingly unconvinced.


Mike leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and takes a deep breath. "Wanna go back to bed?"

Will shakes his head, no. "I'm okay." He smiles tiredly then stands up, offering Mike a hand. "Breakfast?"

Mike takes Will's hand, allowing him to help him up. "Sure, sounds good."

They make their way to the kitchen, chatting quietly as to not wake the rest of the house for now.

Will starts to prepare some eggs and toast while Mike makes them coffee. The kitchen is somewhat small but cozy, with a rustic wooden bench and a few framed photos on the walls. There's a few of them all as kids, and more recent one of them all at Jim and Joyce's wedding; and a few more of them with various group members over the years.

Mike sits at the bench counter nursing a coffee in his hands as they wait for the food to cook, watching Will as he moves around the kitchen.

"Hey, Will? Can I ask you something?" Mike starts, trying to find the right words.

Will looks up from the stove, tilting his head slightly. "Of course, Mike."

Mike takes a deep breath. "How long?"

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