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Drake ran his thumb over my knuckles as I watched the city fly by out the window. The colors blended together in Rays and neon streaks, painting the landscape like a child's artwork.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Drake asks, looking at me worriedly. I nod.

The ride to the hotel seems to take a thousand years. I need answers from Aurora. I don't care if I need to bust down the door. One piece still doesn't make sense. Well, a thousand pieces don't make sense, but still. There are things I need to figure out. Things I need to say.

My mind flew back to my channel. I haven't made a video in so long. The comments section are filling up with concerned responses. Some people are worried. Some are even mad. I feel like my entire career is slipping out from in between my fingers like sand. Now it's time for me to get it back

The taxi slowed to a stop, and my heart hammered. Drake payed the Cabby and helped me out of the car. I watched as it flew down the road.

I wished I was still in it.

Drake grabbed my hand and led me into the hotel, his grip on my hand firm and assuring. He looked so calm. I wish I could be as calm as he is.

"What room?" he asks, slipping into the elevator. This is one of those really shitty hotels, with like three floors and a musty smell to it. I cringe when the elevator lurches as it starts.

"One o two, second f-floor." I stutter, holding tightly to Drake's hand. He leans over and kisses the top of my head.

I can't believe we actually decided to come here. Why did I think this was a good idea? I could just call the police, have Aurora hauled away. But I needed answers. Face to face. I wanted her to look me in the eye and tell me what her reason was for all of this. I was so brave walking out of the hotel, my eyes fierce and determined. Now I feel as small as a toddler, as insignificant as a crack in the sidewalk, a single leaf in the wind.

The elevator doors slid open, revealing the hallway. The first door, directly in front of the elevator, was room one o two. Aurora's room.

I couldn't breathe. Drake gripped my hand tightly, then walked to the door. His face stony, he knocked.

I waited. I knew she wouldn't let us in. I didn't hear any footsteps. She probably knew we were coming. Something must've given her some indication. She could be behind us or something, a knife poised above our heads and an evil, sinister look in her eyes.

Then, the door opened. No one was standing there. It just opened slowly and silently. It was like a horror movie.

"Should we go in?" I ask, my voice surprisingly steady for the amount of fear that was coursing through every part of my body. Drake nods to me, grips my hand tighter, and we slowly walk in.

It looks mostly like any other hotel room. White comforters on the bed, old lamp plugged in on the nightstand, TV playing a news channel.

Oh, and several Polariod pictures of me from the past month spread all over the floor.

"What the f-" I scream, before Drake clasps his hand over my mouth, shushing me. "Don't scream," he scolds me, "we can't get caught."

He bends down and picks up a picture of me. It's through what looks like a tinted car window. I'm climbing into my car, sunglasses on. The date was scrawled across the back of it.

He lifts another one up. This one is of me and Drake in the park the other day. She captured the exact moment we stared into each others eyes. We both have goofy, star struck smiles on our faces.

My eyes wander under the bed. The corner of a laptop screen is slightly peaking out from under the bed curtain, like it was thrown there really fast.

I crawl over there and pull it out. The screen is black but there's a flash drive plugged in. I slip it into my pocket.

Then a panicked scream rips through the air.

I whirl around and my heart stops. Aurora stands there, arms wrapped around Drake, and a gun pointed at his head. His eyes were locked on mine, only I didn't see fear in them. I only saw worry.

"So little Lilly decided to come out and play, huh? Didn't your mommy teach you that stealing is wrong?" Aurora taunted me. Panic gripped my soul and seized my ability to speak.

"So," she began, "Let me guess, you want answers. You couldn't just leave well enough alone, your career up in flames, and go live a life like I do? Making money any way you can, trying desperately to get something that you can't have. Anymore, at least."

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered. A blissful smile painted itself on Aurora's face.

"Tell her baby." She cooed to Drake. My body tensed up. What did she just say to him? Did she just call him baby?

"Well," Aurora started, "For the past month, you've been my little project Lilly. I wanted to destroy you. How could you, a pitiful little bitch, win the perfect life that I desperately need?"

She began to walk around the room, Drake still locked in her grasp and the gun still glued to the side of his head. "Only then you decided to take something from me."

My heart pounded as I pulled the flash drive out of my pocket. "You can take it back, I don't care about it!" I screamed. I don't care if anyone came in. We needed help.

"Not that, Lilly. What you took is far more precious. You took my muse. My love. My obsession. You took Drake."

I tried not to faint at her words. Drake wouldn't meet my eye.

Suddenly, a huge force pushed me backwards. I was lying on the ground, Aurora's knee crushing my chest and one hand pinning me to the ground by my throat. The gun was still in her other hand "And now, my dear Lilly, I'm going to take your life."



WELL, THAT HAPPENED. WHO SAW THAT COMING? I'm pretty sure some of you did.

And don't forget to vote!! Thanks!!

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