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The airport buzzed with the usual blend of excitement and farewells. Amid the sea of hurried travelers and the symphony of announcements, Lev and Dr. Luke found a small, intimate bubble of their own. They stood close, eyes locked, savoring every second before the inevitable parting.

Dr. Luke was about to board a plane that would take him away to a distant country where his expertise was desperately needed. Lev, standing beside the baggage drop-off, felt a mixture of pride and sadness. They had spent the morning together, squeezing every bit of joy out of their final hours, but now the time had come for goodbye.

Without a word, Lev stepped forward and pulled Dr. Luke into a tight embrace. They held each other as if the strength of their hug could somehow delay the flight, as if the warmth of their bodies could stave off the cold distance that was about to come between them. The world around them seemed to blur and fade away; the bustling airport melted into the background noise of their emotions.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, one that spoke volumes of their love and the pain of parting. It was a kiss that held the promise of reunion, a promise that no amount of distance could break. They kissed as if no one was watching, as if the moment could last forever. For them, in that brief, beautiful moment, time stood still.

LEV and DR. LUKE stand close to each other near the security gate. Lev looks pale and is holding his lower abdomen with a worried expression. Dr. Luke, equally concerned, gently places a hand on Lev's shoulder.

Lev, make sure you go to your family doctor to check it out. It's probably your appendix.

(tries to smile, but winces slightly)
Don't worry, Luke. I'll go to my family doctor to check this out. I hope it's not serious.

Dr. Luke pulls Lev into a tight hug, their concern for each other evident. They hold the embrace longer than usual, not wanting to let go.

I'm really worried about you. Please don't delay.

(sighs and nods)
I promise, I'll go as soon as you leave. You take care of yourself too, okay?

They pull back slightly, looking into each other's eyes. Lev reaches up to brush a tear from Dr. Luke's cheek.

I will. Call me as soon as you know anything.

I will. And you call me too, as soon as you land.

They share a tender, lingering kiss, both trying to convey all their love and concern through this one moment. Finally, they pull apart, and Dr. Luke reluctantly heads towards the security gate. He turns back for one last look.

I love you, Lev. Take care of yourself.

I love you too, Luke. Safe travels.

Dr. Luke gives a final wave before disappearing into the crowd. Lev stands there for a moment, taking a deep breath before turning to leave the airport, clutching his abdomen.

Lev arrived at Dr. Brandon's office, her mind preoccupied with both the pain in her abdomen and the concern of Dr. Luke, who was now thousands of miles away. The sterile smell of the clinic mixed with her anxiety as she sat in the waiting room, hands clutching her abdomen whenever a wave of pain struck.

"Lev, Dr. Brandon will see you now," the nurse called out.

Lev stood up, taking a deep breath to steady herself, and walked into the examination room. Dr. Brandon greeted her with a warm smile, his eyes immediately noting her discomfort.

Lev, what seems to be the problem today?" he asked, gesturing for her to sit on the examination table.

Lev settled herself, wincing slightly. "I've been having pain in the middle of my tummy. It comes and goes, but lately, it's been traveling to my lower right-hand side, where my appendix is usually located."

Lev the Start of Everything and BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now