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*neither you nor Elrond had confessed*

Another day in the garden that you and Elrond share, yellow trees in a circle surrounding the friends. This is where they would share their sorrows and share their news! This was solitary. Often she would find him reading or drafting a speech on the branches of the tree, he likewise could find you with your fingers plucking by delicately at a harp.

Yes, it would have been true that if you asked them, Elrond was most definitely supposed to be drafting the last of the reports right now, writing a speech, something herald like! But all poor Elrond could focus on was your beautiful curly hair, he had never seen elven hair textured that way, you however had volume and hair galore. Sometimes the Harold would catch himself thinking of running his hands... no!

Shaking his head roughly from the left to the right, he regained his composure over himself.

Fluffing it without thinking made him freeze, he could smell your perfume as you teased your hair, shaking your head carelessly in the wind.

"What is on your mind my lord?" Your hands were no longer knotted in your hair but besides your hips.

" pardon me for asking but I noticed that other elves don't have your texture of hair! Only straight or mildly wavy."

Looking up at the question, Alma smiled sweetly, yet something on her face made Elronds stomach churn, as if he had overstepped, certainly not! Asking about hair is a perfectly decent conversation!

" well my lord, when it was the first age, my ada met my mother, 'she was something else' Ada says. He says that my mother was physically weak and chronically ill, he spent most of his time with her, she would get worse and then surge back to life time and time again, or so I'm told. He said that she had gotten better for two years, in those two years they courted and then I was conceived... one year later I could tell you not what happened but she died suddenly, but I had been brought into this world beforehand. I don't know much about my mother but I do know that she had the most extraordinary curly hair!"

She stared at her hands as if she could see her mother's face in her palm creases. Taking her hands in his, Elrond pressed another question on her," what do you mean she died?"

" she was human, Elrond."

"Peredhel?" He asked, his mind racing as he thought of his own life, how he too was half human. Nodding she looked sadly into elronds eyes, hers were bright and full of life, and yet, he could still see the pull of mortality that ghostly touched her soul.

"So you have not chosen? Life as an elf or life as a mortal?"

"No, but when I do, I know what I will choose... I have certain motivations that make me want to choose the immortal life. I have not yet chosen because it is not yet my 1200 birth year."

Smiling at her answer, the young elf stroked her hands absentmindedly in the comfortable silence.

" what about you my lord? What about your upbringing? How did you come to this place?"

The question made Elronds heart beat hard against his ribs, his stomach slightly ill... looking up at the sky, he recounted all that she  had taught him about grounding oneself to the earth, how she had said that the act of grounding was made to calm the part of the soul that elves had that was passionate. Passionate in love and in anger, passionate in daily duties. Grounding... saved him many a time from making his own passions known, thus he was grateful and in dept to you.

"My parentage is that of Earendil and Elwing. Both half elf. After the war of the first age, I was taken with my brother Elros. When given the choice between living among the mortals and living among the immortal, I chose immortality, while my dearest brother chose mortality. My Ada, he was taken to the stars to guard the sun and moon. My... my mother threw herself into the ocean and she transformed into this great bird as she searched for my father."

Looking up at her, the one whose hand he held, he saw nothing but admiration, he saw pure and unblemished adoration, she looked as though she had seen all of this befall. She looked as if she had felt what he felt in his soul and all poor Elrond could do was blush. From the tip of his ears down to where his cheeks met his lips, he could feel heat arise as she continued to imagine how his life was.

"My lord..."

" you needn't call me that, as long as you extend that from me to you and you to me."

"Elrond, do you ever fear, that no matter what you do, you will never be as mighty as our forefathers?"

Hearing his name on her tongue made him feel a wriggle deep in his abdomen, a primal feeling that Elrond did not like, he had never felt this and the heat flashes and the stomach, the feeling of his head spinning, this was something he certainly did not enjoy. Deep down Elrond wished to feel these feelings again, but in private, away from her. He did not want her to see him like this... perhaps it was the weakness of his mortality that binded this sickness to him! That must be it...

Sighing, he pulled his right hand from hers and placed it on the side of her jaw.

" it is all I feel Almadil, when I think of my father, I think that I can never get his eyes off of me, and yet I wonder if he can see me from so high up."

Smiling as if this was the way she felt about her Ada Gil-galad, she pressed her cheek into his warm hands, soft and strong...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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