Chapter VI

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After hearing the words of the gods, Wonwoo and Jun immediately traveled back to Elyxion. As they arrived at the crystal mirror castle, their friends welcomed them with beaming smiles and open arms.

"Jun, Wonwoo!" Sunoo and the others called out, engulfing them in a warm embrace.

Everyone was buzzing with excitement and relief. 

"How was your mission?" Wonwoo asked, looking around at the group with genuine curiosity.

Sunghoon grinned widely. "We made it in one piece!"

"It was intense," Sunoo admitted, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of their success. "But we all gained the power of the crystals and completed our trials."

Soobin stepped forward, his expression serious but curious. "We heard about your mission. What happened?"

Jun took a deep breath and began to explain. "We journeyed across the continents to summon the four universe gods. We recited the incantation, and they appeared, but only as projections. They told us they needed a vessel to manifest fully in this realm, a vessel with the power to summon them and a heart of pure intentions."

"Otherwise," Wonwoo continued, "the gods would vanish, and the unworthy vessel would face death."

The group fell silent, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of determination and concern.

"That's a heavy burden," Sunoo said quietly. "How do we find such a vessel?"

And all eyes fell on him.

"Sunoo, we couldn't think of anyone more worthy than you," Wonwoo said, placing a reassuring arm on Sunoo's shoulder. The others nodded in agreement, their faces filled with trust and admiration.

"W-what? Me?" Sunoo gasped, turning toward Suho, who gave him a proud nod.

"Yes, Sunoo," Suho affirmed, his voice steady and kind. "You have shown extraordinary courage and strength. Your heart is pure, and your intentions have always been noble. You embody the very virtues the universe gods seek."

Sunoo's mind raced, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked around at his friends, seeing the confidence and hope in their eyes. The weight of their expectations was heavy, but their unwavering support gave him strength.

"I-I don't know what to say," Sunoo stammered, feeling overwhelmed.

"Just be yourself," Heeseung said with a warm smile. "You've already proven you're capable of great things."

"And remember," Soobin added, "we're all here for you. You're not alone in this."

Sunoo took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of their friendship and the gravity of the responsibility he was about to accept. He turned back to Suho, determination shining in his eyes.

"I'll do it," Sunoo said firmly. "I'll be the vessel for the universe gods. For Elyxion, Etherea, and all the realms, I'll do whatever it takes."

A wave of relief and pride washed over the group. Suho stepped forward, placing his hands on Sunoo's shoulders. "You have made the right choice, Sunoo. Now, let us prepare for the ritual that will summon the universe gods fully into this realm."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Sunoo and his friends began their preparations. The grand hall buzzed with activity as they gathered the necessary materials and prepared themselves for the summoning ritual. The air was thick with anticipation and hope.

As the final preparations were made, Suho led Sunoo to the center of the hall, where an ornate circle had been inscribed on the floor, glowing with ancient runes. The others formed a protective circle around them; their combined strength was a testament to their unity and resolve.

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