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Private chat between LiamPayne, HarryStyles, NiallHoran, ZaynMalik, JustinBieber, LouisTomlinson, EdSheeran and ShawnMendes 

LiamPayne: Harry? You all right, mate?

NiallHoran: What happened to you?
JustinBieber: What do you think happened?

HarryStyles: Hi guys! Uh yeah, I am fine. I just have a really bad headache.....



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EdSheeran: Dude, you can tell us anything. We're your best mates, remember?

JustinBieber: Well, I'm not


ShawnMendes: What happened with Taylor?HarryStyles: Love is just a game for her, isn't it? I was foolish to think that I was different

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ShawnMendes: What happened with Taylor?
HarryStyles: Love is just a game for her, isn't it? I was foolish to think that I was different.

NiallHoran: Nah bro! You just made a mistake in 2013 when you took her for granted!


HarryStyles: As if I did not realize that already

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HarryStyles: As if I did not realize that already. Maybe I should just give up at this point. She obviously moved on - so should I. Travis is a goddamn angel, you can't even hate him



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HarryStyles: What?

JustinBieber: Are you OBLIVIOUS? She was never 'OVER' you!  And, I know you don't necessarily trust me but just listen to me. I made a mistake by letting go of my beautiful bond with Selena (Gomez) and I have been regretting it ever since then. I try convincing myself that it was never meant to be. I cannot live with myself knowing that I 'betraying' Hailey, but I have to. The worst part is that I had several chances to make amends but I didn't. Of course, now I have Hailey and a soon-to-be child who will light up my life like Selena did.

But don't make that same mistake that I had made.  Just make it up to Tay, despite the obvious obstacles in your way. Even if she rejects you, at least you can live peacefully knowing that you gave it your very best. That is the only successful way to move on. 



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JustinBieber: Welcome, ig

HarryStyles: No mate, actually thank you. I know we have been rude to you but I really appreciate you helping me. It's good to know that you have really changed your uh, ways. Who knows, maybe this will change my life forever but I am ready for it. This is gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions but those feelings lead to major hit songs - so it's a win-win situation 🤣🤣

JustinBieber: Just to be clear, we are not 'friends', are we? Cuz that will be embarrassing....

HarryStyles: Nope, definitely not :)

NiallHoran: GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LiamPayne: WHAT? You just interrupted a beautiful, cringe moment


NiallHoran: According to people, TRAVIS AND TAYLOR BROKE UP!!!

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NiallHoran: According to people, TRAVIS AND TAYLOR BROKE UP!!!

HarryStyles: WHAT?


Sorry for the delayed update (I've been working on the surprise)! Also, apologize if this chapter was a little cringe/weird. I just really needed to post it because it is very crucial to the story line. Apart from Haylor, this chapter is very important for the developments for other subplots (Justin Bieber character development)

Also, guys, please remember that this is a fictional story - Tayvis has NOT broken up in real life. This has never occurred in reality - it is purely fictional. Please do not start rumours that Travis and Tay have broken up - because that is not true.

Hope you liked the chapter! 

A filler chapter to come out tomorrow!

PS: Mid-weekly update will be posted tomorrow.
PSS: I have no idea what the title of this chapter should be

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