We never go out of style

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Taylor's POV

It was felt peaceful, finally. Meredith was softly snoring in her basket near the bed, Benjamin and Olivia were safely tucked underneath my arms, curiously watching 'Law and Order' playing on the screen. A tub of strawberry ice cream was besides me as my favourite blanket engulfed my body.

Yet something was missing.

Abruptly, my phone started buzzing. 

It was infuriating at this point. The number of phone calls I received throughout the day was enough to drive me insane. Tour planning was no easy task, despite having an entire team. Organizing a tour was a truly exhausting and tedious job - but the result outshined the disadvantages. 

I genuinely love performing in front of my fans. I have always been a girl who strives for praise and appreciation. It just boosts my confidence and makes me feel less insecure of myself. Thus, thousands of fans cheering my name made me feel this sense of jubilance. I don't even know how to describe it. Everyday, performing in front of my fans felt like my version of heaven.

However, currently, all I wanted was a moment of peace and serenity. Was that too much to ask?

Reluctantly, I picked up the call.

"Miss Swift," greeted the speaker, who I realized was Joseph, one of my security men who guard the entrance of this estate in Lyon, France. I was in Lyon due to the European Leg of the Eras Tour. I was to perform in Lyon for the next couple of nights. 

"Oh! Hey Joseph," I replied.

"Miss, sorry to disturb you at this odd hour. However, Mr. Styles is at the door, may I let him in?" asked Joseph.

Harry? Here? Wasn't he supposed to be in London? Why was he here?

"Miss Swift?" repeated Joseph.

"Oh yeah! Please let him in," I replied, hesitantly.

Less then a second later, the door of the rented estate flung open. I hastily untangled myself from the blanket which was protecting me from the chilled air. I faintly noticed Olivia and Benjamin meowing  exasperatedly, longing for the warmth of my arm. I merely rolled her eyes before checking my reflection in the mirror, making sure I looked presentable. 

Then, I hurriedly rushed down the flight of stairs to the hall where Harry stood patiently. 

Third Person POV

"Taylor," he whispered.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" asked Taylor, in a hushed voice, despite the fact that they were the only people in the room.

"I-I-I can't." said Harry stuttering, tears brimming his eyes.

"What can't you do Harry?" asked Taylor, inching towards him, her hands quivering.

"I can't just be friends with you. Not after I, uh, heard about the breakup." replied Harry, his voice cracking as he grabbed her hand, desperately. He looked into her mesmerizing electric blue eyes, almost longingly.

"I-I-I c-can't d-do th-that, Harold. You know that," she said, trying to avoid her gaze. She couldn't bear to look into his irresistible, now heartbroken, forest green eyes. 

"Why? Why? WHY?" asked Harry, heartbroken. "Why Tay? Am I not good enough?"

"Harry, don't you ever say that. You are the best - but I don't want you to be a - a rebound. We have waited for this opportunity for so long. I really don't want to rush it. We are also c-completely ignoring the fact that th-this will be a PR nightmare." said Taylor, trying to sound sincere but failing miserably. 

She was devastated that Harry could even think  that he wasn't good enough for her. On the contrary, he was the only one who made Taylor feel like a queen. He was the only one that could bare her mood swings and insecurities. With him, everything was unpredictable, but that was what made it exhilarating.

Alas, Taylor had to make this decision.

"Who cares about publicity? You are way more important and I know I'm not a rebound unless you treat me like one. If you want, we can keep the relationship private, will that be ok?" asked Harry, almost yelling. 

Taylor nodded, unable to deny Harry when he looked at her like that. His gaze held dire passion, affection and love. 

Not able to control herself, she embraced Harry and.....

(Well, you can figure out what happens next. Nothing inappropriate though)

The next morning was literally perfect, just like the night before. They spent their entire time cuddling, talking with each other and just being there with each other

 Meredith, Olivia and Benjamin were softly snoring in their baskets. Taylor and Harry were enjoying each other's warmth, the blanket protecting them from the chilly winter air. 

They tried watching 'Law and Order' but in reality they were just gazing at each other, dreamily.

"We'll have to be private though. Not only for PR, but to make sure history does not repeat itself. I don't want the fans to disrupt our relationship, like last time," Taylor said, sincerely.

"Oh! So this relationship is not a one-time thing? Please tell me it's not a dream." said Harry, sarcastically, humor evident in his voice

Taylor rolled her eyes before asking," Do you want it to be a one-time thing?"

"God no!" he said before hugging Taylor tightly, chuckling

"Wait! You dream of me? Harry!?" asked Taylor, giggling uncontrollably.

"Well, yeah! It's kind of impossible not to." he said, blushing furiously.

Taylor merely shook her head, laughing.

And for a first time in a while, everything felt imperfectly perfect - but not in a boring way. Nothing felt missing.


I guess this is the chapter we have all been waiting for.

SORRY if that felt rushed- but to be fair, Tayvis did break up partially due to Harry. I apologize if it was not up to the mark - or if it was a disappointing chapter. Honestly, I'm not exactly experienced in this particular field. 

Now onwards, I don't think there will be any chapters solely related to Haylor - but yes, they are a main ship.

Also, I know that the update would be delated - but a few family events got cancelled - so I had plenty of time to write this chapter.

 I really did not want too much drama for one particular ship as this is not particularly a 'Haylor' book. So, now onwards, I do not want to ignore the other characters.

However, Haylor will be MAJORLY featured in the upcoming chapters but there won't be any chapters solely featuring them.

Hope ya'll liked this chapter! I should be able to post another chapter, through this week. However, I will let you know in the following Weekly update (which I'll probably post tomorrow or day after)

Thank you everyone for being soo patient , kind and understanding!! 

IMPORTANT: If you'll have any suggestions for future chapters - please let me know. It can be Haylor-related. In fact, it can be related to any ship (except Jelena and perhaps, Larry, Hendall since Haylor has already been established)  Please let me know if ya'll want any particular dramatic sub-plots to be featured in this fic. Also, please let me know, if you'll want any new celebrities to be introduced in a particular chapter. Please note though, that those celebs will not be main characters in this fic. They will be featured in 1 or 2 chapters. Thank you again!

PS: Sorry for the author's notes being SOOOO long. 

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