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"Oh, Mady, wake up. Wake up"!

"What was that"? I panicked

Hi! My name is Mady Gomez Ramos. This is my life of meeting mate. Anyway, back to the real world!

"Ahhh! Man, my stomach is aching so much"! I got a out of bed to eat, mostly engulf my face full of food. I love being a werewolf.

"Mady! Where have you been? It's time to go to school". My mom yelled
I quickly put on my pants and shirt, I race all the way to school. Good way to start school, yay! Surprisingly I got there in time, yes!

Oof! "Hey watch it dork"! He grins and walks off.

Something about him is different then the other boys here. He smells like family and husband, wait a minute I hate him. I walked into the classroom then, Wham! It was Him again.

"Oh sorry sweetheart, did that hurt? Let kiss it for ya"! He said holding my face.

I was ready to finger at his face and poke his eyes out,but then the teacher walked in,"Everyone sit down! Now"! She yelled.

Throughtout class this guy will not stop messing with me. He thinks I'm his play doll or something like that. Then Wham! This time it was a book, he laughed so hard it looked like his head was going to explode.

"Tyler! Heads up"! She then throws a massive thirty pound book at him. Then Bam! His whole face was so messed up that you could see the skull come out. Then Tyler runs out of the classroom crying. After class I went to find him,and after all he really doesn't deserve his skull to be broken at all, well kinda. I see him rocking by the bathroom.

"Hey". I said with empathy

He looked at me,"Why I just wanted some fun", he said sobbing.

"Yea,but there's such things as too much fun". I said empathy.

"Well, if you were so humorless this wouldn't had happened", he pointed at me.

"Ok then, maybe if you knew how be humorous in good way this wouldn't had happened", I pointed back at him. I left him be to rocking back and forth,but his sense from before keeps bringing up family and husband, weird.

"Hey Jade"! I waved.

"Oh hey! How's your day going"?

"Weird actually because I picked up this sense from a jerk,and his sense brought up family and husband, weird right"? I raised up an eyebrow asking Jade.

"Not usually because you don't pick up the sense either he likes you,or you were meant together". She said smiling.

My first thought was Hell No! "Wellll, I don't like him,and I don't think it was meant to be,so I think it was he was there at the right moment at the right time", I shrugged.

"Well, bye I got go", Jade said waving.

After school ended I walked home,and then while I was walking home then Bam! A cake had hit my face, wonderful.

"Hello sweetie, how's the cake"?!?! Said Tyler as he passed by.

Then I put a bird to him, looking back at this moment for some weird reason I fell in love with him more somehow, weird right? Anywho back to the real world.

When I got home, my mother was waiting for me at the door. "We to talk", she said with a serious look on her face.

I wonder what she is seriously mad about?

My Werewolf Bully Is my MateWhere stories live. Discover now