The Bite

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"Um what's your name little one", I asked holding him.

"Tommy BlacKjack".

"Tommy, it's getting late so why won't you go one lay for minute". I said as I put him down,and then I turn to Tyler. My face expression went to happy to WTF,"Why! Would! Youuuu! Bring it up"! I yelled.

"Look I thought it would be a good thing to know if you want him alive. We must do something if you want to secent him while we are wovles."

"Look, I know! It just ...... That I'm scared of seeing his face when bitting him", I said holding my arms in a sad position.

"We will have to do it while his asleep,so he won't feel much or any pain."

"Mommy Mady,"said a face as it appeared from the hallway", what are you talking about"?

"Hun, I'm sorry,but",said Tyler with gloomy face.

"Wait w-"!

Much! And just then in the moment, I realize Tyler bit Tommy.

WTF! Thought Mady.

While Tommy was bleeding, I was literally shaking Tyler to death.

"Why would you do this without his consent", I said while slapping Tyler.

"Because", conughing,"Why do we need consent from a boy who's parents are dead. Now I see if he was a bit oldee,but he is not that old to understand", said Tyler.

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