10 [Butterflies]

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"Congratulations Mrs Suleiman"

Noor nodded a little like a kid then,

"Congratulations to you too, umm...Mr Noor's Husband?"

She said more like questioned herself which made him laugh while shaking his head. Well she was confused what to say too, but in order to keep the conversation going she had to say something.

He looked up at her with a trillion dollar worth smile and nodded his head saying "Thank you for that, Ms Suleiman's Wife" he raised his eyebrows at the end while giggling. She smiled and looked down at their hands, resting on her lap.

She looked back at him with a questionable expression and asked "Apko Gujre lane ka kisne kaha?"

[Who asked you to bring Gujre?]

"Ummm....Kisi ne nahi"

[No one]


"Kyu? Kya main apni biwi ke liye Gujre nahi laa sakta kya?"

[Why? Can't I bring Gujre for my wife?]

Her heart fluttered when he called her his 'biwi'

They were busy staring at each other when the universe couldn't handle it anymore and decided to ruin their moment.


Someone fake-coughed grabbing their attention. They looked at the direction from where they heard the voice and saw a few devils standing there.

Sara - Sameer - Arjun - Kanishka

"Well we are really really sorry to disturb your moment Bhabi Ji but for now you two have to come outside" said Arjun while Sameer nodded in agreement.

"The same goes for us. Mr Jiju Ji, we're really sorry to ruin your lovely moment which is not that important right now because your romance can wait but the photographers can't" Sara added fuel to Arjun's already lit fire which wasn't enough when Kanishka spoke up "You two can continue that later peacefully no one would disturb you, I guarantee that"

Noor and Suleiman were already looking like tomatoes and were trying their best to hide their faces. Suleiman stood up clearing his throat and dusted his clothes a little, he held his hand out for Noor as she looked at his forwarded hand then at him and back at his hand then gently placed her hand over his palm.

As their hands came in contact they felt an electric current going through their spines as if they just gave each other an electric shock. Suleiman gently wrapped his hand around Noor's. Noor gasped when she realised something "Wait.....we're matching!"

"Oh yeah. What a coincidence, right?" Suleiman said chuckling. "Coincidence?" She looked at him with a frown. "Or maybe not?" He said shrugging his shoulder. "But, don't you think it would have looked weird if the bride and groom wore different colours?" He asked lowly to which Noor nodded then looked down at her dress, back at his, back at her own, back at his, back at her own...

"But how did he manage to get the same shade?"
This is what she thought in her mind.

Suleiman looked up at front just to find Sameer and Arjun suppressing their smiles and giving him looks while raising their eye brows. He looked back at Noor while shaking his head.

While Noor looked up and found her besties staring at her with their teasing and mischievous smiles which made her look down with a blushy-shy smile.

Sara cleared her throat "Shall we?" And gestured towards the door in the hall with her arm. When Noor and Suleiman reached them, both looked at their sides; at their Besties probably thinking why they have them as their best friends...

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