The Introduction

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It was December 4th, 2006. I was dreading the school year more than I was supposed to. It's becoming an endless cycle nowadays. The same tiring days, the same (seemingly) never ending clocks, the stupid school systems that never do anything concerning the students. Yeah, I know, right? It's perfect... not. But alas, I must keep going until it kills me. Literally.

I walk into the same, crowded hallways. My hoodie covered my hair and my forehead, as I desperately wished it hid my entire existence. The annoyance in my life-Ben, followed me, he says he's "my friend", but he's nothing but an annoyance... He keeps yapping about some new girl as he follows me into 1st period.

As we make it to our seats, the tardy bell rings, making the annoying chattering of the students gradually go away. The lesson begins after the teacher takes attendance. Before she begins, a blonde haired girl walks inside the class.

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