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"IM TELLING YOU THIS PLACE IS HUNTED!!" The boy gripped at his hair with both hands. His eyes were closed tightly shut and he was trembling.

A larger older man patted the boys back softly "calm down Yusuke. This is a safe place."

Yusuke slowly opened his eyes looking back at the man. He quickly looked away though closing his eyes tighter "then how come there's a school girl hanging behind you!"

The man looked behind him and shook his head. He sighed as he continued to try and calm Yusuke down, "there's nothing here."

Yusuke gripped tighter to his hair panting harshly.

"Come now the tea is almost done. Let's just relax. You've been through a hard ordeal." The man turned his back to tend to the tea, "maybe coming back to school only a week after getting out of the hospital was too soon for you." He turned back however Yusuke was already gone. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Yusuke's mind was spinning as he sat on the roof of the school. Ever since his accident, in which he was killed crossing the street, things just haven't been the same. He jumped out of his skin as the roof door opened and two guys joined him.

One, the tallest guy who had red-orange hair in a pompadour style, spoke first "yo Urameshi." He sat down next to Yusuke "what is going on with you today?"

The other guy slightly shorter than the first his long red hair tied in a low ponytail stood on the other side of Yusuke. He leaned on the wall one leg kicked up against it "no kidding man. Even Mr. Takenaka actually allowed us to skip class to check on you."

Yusuke sighed shaking his head "you two won't believe me either so why should I try?"

The second guy pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket "because we're your friends." He pulled one out putting it between his lips then handing the pack to Yusuke.

Yusuke took a cigarette he lit it then handed the lighter to his friend. He let out a long slow puff of smoke "thanks Yoko...I needed this."

Yoko smiled as he lit his own cigarette "figured you did." He offered the pack to the first guy "want one Kuwabara?"

Kuwabara cringed and shook his head "again no thank you."

Yoko shrugged putting the cigarettes back in his pocket "now come on Yusuke what's going on? Are you just trying to get an excuse to get out of class?"

Yusuke shook his head "no...I mean seams to work but no...just." He huffed taking a long drag from his cigarette then letting the smoke slowly slip out as he continued talking "I don't know guys I think I've gone mad."

Kuwabara took out a candy bar from his pocket "why's that man?" He nibbled on his candy.

Yusuke groaned out in annoyance "ever since I woke up I've...been seeing...things."

Yoko looked down at Yusuke confused "seeing things? Ah man don't tell me you've become a second Kuwabara. I can only deal with one crazy friend."

Kuwabara huffed "I told you I'm not crazy!"

Yusuke ran his fingers through his hair "I really don't's stressing me out!" He groaned hanging his head between his knees.

Yoko smirked his green eyes dancing mischievously "I know what will cheer you up!"

Yusuke looked up at Yoko "yeah? What did you have in mind?"

Yoko chuckled "I just heard Yomi's gang has new members." He stuck his cigarette between his lips and cracked his knuckles "we should introduce ourselves."

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