Home Again.

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Yusuke sighed softly. He threw his nap sack over his shoulder as he stepped off the train and looked around.

"Ten years..." Yusuke rubbed the back of his head "wonder how everyone else is doing."

Ten years had changed Yusuke both physically and mentally. His hair was much longer, now down to just below his shoulder blades. He had it pulled back into a low ponytail. He also had developed muscle, which he was really proud of. He was nervous about coming back but was actually glad to be in the city. Seeing the old familiar station brought up some good memories.

Yusuke smiled as he remembered the time he, Yoko and Kuwabara snuck on the train just to see how far they could go without getting caught. His face fell "wonder if..."

Kuwabara's place was the closest to the train station. Yusuke wondered if he was still there. He swallowed hard, even if Kuwabara was still there would he be mad that Yusuke disappeared? Happy he's back? There were so many questions.

Yusuke took a deep breath, "gotta bite the bullet." He mumbled to his self.

Slowly Yusuke made his way to Kuwabara's place. He took in the scenery as he walked. The city was really no different than when he left, except for a few small things. He paused for a moment looking into what used to be an empty lot. What was there now was a small cafe...and an invisible visitor. Standing near the front door of the cafe looked like a construction worker...a rebar stuck through his neck. Yusuke sighed and shook his head as he continued on his walk.

He finally reached Kuwabara's place, Yusuke confirmed it was still his thanks to the name plate on the wall outside. He hesitantly knocked...no answer. He knocked once more a little louder but again it was silent.

"Hey you!" Yusuke twitched a little immediately recognizing that voice. "Who are you?" Yep that was definitely Kuwabara's voice.

Yusuke turned around and looked Kuwabara up and down "damn...you look exactly the same!"

Kuwabara hummed questionablely "what do you mean?"

Yusuke put down his nap sack and pushed back his bangs trying to make his hair look a little closer to what he had in middle school. He flashed Kuwabara his old classic smirk "long time no see Kuwabara."

Kuwabara looked Yusuke up and down. He dropped the bags of groceries he was carrying "no...way." He took a step forward looking closer "Urameshi!!!???"

Yusuke nodded "yeah man! It's really gre..." Kuwabara punched Yusuke in the head hard interrupting him. Yusuke stumbled a little rubbing his head "the hell man!?"

Kuwabara huffed "you know EXACTLY what the hell!" He grabbed the front of Yusuke's shirt shaking him "what I want to know is WHAT THE HELL WITH YOU!?" He glared hard at Yusuke "you realize how worried we all were?"

Yusuke expected this so he tried to stay calm "honestly man I know ok I know...I just." He sighed "I couldn't deal with what I was seeing. Being attacked at school like I was that day just broke me. I packed up a few essentials and I ran off to a place I thought I could get away from what was happening."

Kuwabara sighed and let go of Yusuke's shirt "ok ok..." He picked back up his groceries and unlocked the door "I'll make some coffee...come on in and explain yourself."

Yusuke grabbed his nap sack and followed Kuwabara into his home. He kicked off his shoes and hung up his jacket.

Kuwabara's eyes widen as he gets a decent look at Yusuke "holy shit Urameshi...what were you doing for the last ten years? Fighting bears!?"

Yusuke clicked his tongue "I wish! Fighting bears would have been a lot easier than the hell I went through!"

They go to the kitchen where Kuwabara puts away the groceries then starts making coffee "so what exactly happened anyway? After your freak out in class?"

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