Chapter 5 ~ Fate's Decided

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i know you think im a major bitch for not uploading soon enough, but the truth is, i was thinking about this SOOO much. I couldn't decide weither to do this or that. i am sorry if you are not happy wiht me (hate in private) but be happy i uploaded now!

i just want to thank you all for the comments and votes, i hope you will like this! sorry if i made you mad!

oh, and can you read a story called 'Did I Miss You....?' by oOClueLessLilacsOo? I want more votes for it so she can upload;)   you dont have to though, just askin'

Chapter 5 ~ Fate's Decided


His digusting breath touched my ear and I held down a disgusted shiver. "Little bitch, if you go with them, then I will kill your sisters. And I am not your father, but I hope to father your children. If you go with your family,I will hunt your 'sisters' down and kill them. We wouldn't want that now would we. " He paused then continues,

"Now tell them no, tell them, you want to stay, I leave your sisters here, and won't kill them, but I get to take you. Deal?"

Everyone watched us as he whispered into my ear. A lone tear ran down my cheek as I decided my fate.



Clarissa's POv

I glanced around one more time fearfully, taking everything in. Not knowing if I would survive through this.

"N-no I'm n-not going with you." I said in a faintly stronger voice.

He looked at me shocked, then he smirked.H leaned down again and whispered into my ear,

"Little bitch, if you don't come with me, then you, your sisters, and your family, and friends, will have to live in fear. I could take theiir lives in one second.Especially your mother's look at the little, defensless woman there, "Made a small pointing motion with his hand, pointing to a petite woman off the the side a little.

She had golden-brown hair just like mine, and green eyes, if I looked close enough, there were black and gold flakes in her eyes. She had a small, but fit body. She looked so much like me, I didn't know what to think.

"I-if she ismy mother like you said, s-she wouldn't be defensless, she w-would be as strong a-as m-me." I said in a confindent voice, only studdering 4 times.

"Oh, that woman is your mother, but, i have some tricks up my sleve. If she was alone, I could slit her throat, starngle her, push her into the water and drown her. I could beat her to death also." He added as a thoughtful note on the end.

"NO!" I screamed to him, fear for the unknown but strangly familar woman washed through me.

He looked at me in anger, and I flinched away from him. I looked franticly anywhere for escape.

I suddenly had a thought, I turned the connection on, I thought in my head to Karrie and Zara,

'You guys, I need help, see if you can quietly sneak away, that way I could just cast the sheild, blowing him away from me, after that, he will zip out, and be gone, then we can finally see what he and these people are talking about.'

I finished and shifted my eyes to them, they slowly and almost so that even I could hardly detect it, nodded their heads.

Zara started backing away into the woods as Karrie went for the -so far- 'good side.

"Please don't hurt her'" I said to him, trying to get his attention back to me. His gaze that had been previousl wondering, returned back to me a smirk returning to his face.

"Why should I?" He asked, Zara was finally far enough away, Karrie only had a few more feet.







I closed my eyes quickly, summoning my power, then in a burst, I puched the sheild out.

There was a flash of blinding light, then he was gone.

Then I collasped into a world of darkness that always seemed to welcoming to me.


I heard Zara and Karrie shout just as I surrendered into the world of blackness that consumed me.





thx for reading,

m xoxo

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