Chapter 7~

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Chapter 7~

Clarissa's POV

We walked up the front steps of the huge white house that looked expensive in my perspective.

I knocked on the door, ignoring the glares of my best friends.

We heard scrambling footsteps leading to the door. I waited patiently, twirling a piece of hair to disguise the nerves I felt at facing people who knew me.

The door opened to reveal my... mother. She looked frazzled, but she smiled warmly at me and quickly ran forward and hugged me hard.

I couldn't breathe for a second, but returned the strangely familiar hug that seemed to comfort me for the first time in a long time.

She pulled away and turned to my sisters and hugged them, but not as long and hard. "Ok girls, welcome to the house of testosterone. Save me." She said and waved her arms around her.

I laughed with my sisters- while now that I think about it, their not my sisters but I'll always call them that- and we followed her in.

"Um, excuse but what's your name?" I asked her curiously as we came to a big living room that seemed to be filled with men and boys of all ages.

She turned to me and said while walking backwards, "My name is Lila Orion, Sweet Pea." She said.

I smiled at her while my friends still sent me scowls.

"While, as you know my name is Clarissa or Claire, and these are my sisters Zara and Karrie." I said, smiling at everyone.

"They don't look happy with you." One of the boys said. Everyone was watching me, the room was silent, and I smiled devilishly and said,

"They seem to think I secretly drugged their food, rearranged their room, made all their furniture pink, and painted their names a hot pink that last for weeks." I said, smiled sweetly at them as they scowled at me.

Mom ..... wow I'm already calling her that.... laughed outright and said, "That's my girl, but please, don't do it to these nice girls, do it to all your brother and their friends. Oh, and please think about dying their hair pink." she said excitedly.

She was almost like a teenager with her attitude.

The boys groaned at their Luna while staring at me with fear. Most of the boys began clearing out, especially the younger ones.

What was left was my brothers and their 5 friends.

I smiled impishly and waved at them.

The room was huge. It was decorated in variously whites, and with added blacks it looked spectacular. It was 5 big black -I wonder why?- couches that were spread out around the room, 2 against the walls, and the other 3 surrounded the huge flat screen TV that had controllers and games littered around it, and they were placed in a semi-circle around it.

I and my sisters took spots on the middle of the 3 couches while my parents took the one to the left, and my brothers to the right with all their friends -they were squished greatly- and all stared at us.

I sighed and said, "while this is a very uncomfortable environment. Soooo I think we should just get the questions out of the way now." I said and then started.

"All I really know is that 4 year ago I awoke in the room with my lovely sisters. * put my arms around their shoulders* We had a very evil father who is some sort of magician. He tortured us in our minds and physically. Several weeks before we finally ran away we * I pointed to Karrie and I * thought he had killed Zara. The few days before we left he 'made a move' on Karrie, so I took charge and we ran away. Somehow I was drawn to this town, I don't know so don't ask me, and then blah, blah, blah. We went to school, then Karrie mysteriously disappeared. She almost got raped by our supposed father. Then you kind of know the rest." I said and they stared at me.

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