part - 7

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Shubhman and y/n were hugging eachother... when someone come and pushed shubhman away from y/n and a hard punch landed on shubhman face making his lips bleed....

Everything happens so fast y/n was just standing there being numb and shocked...and before she can do anything ishan again punched shubhman...this time shubhman fight back and also punched him....

Y/n tried to stop them but ishan pushed her making her fall and hurting her hand looking at her shubhman was about to go to her... when ishan held him by his collar and pushed him on railing.... and said

"Stay away from her gill"

"I will are no one to tell me or her what to do" said shubhman...

"Don't test my patience gill ...STAY AWAY...that will be good for everyone...for me, for you and for your career, for her and her parents..."

Ishan was so angry to realise what he is saying... and y/n and shubhman's eyes widened listing him shubhman pushed ishan and held his collar....

"You bloody bast*rd... how can you say that... you idiot" shubhman said...

"I don't just say it, I dare to do it. don't take me lightly You also know very well who I am and what I can do." Said ishan

Shubhman was about to punch him but ishan punch him harder making him fall on ground ishan went on shubhman punching him hard...

Ishan was punching shubhman making bleed...y/n was terrified looking the sence infront of her but still she knows she needs to stop it ... she run towards ishan held his hand while crying said...

"Please leave him mr.kishan... please.. don't hurt him "

Ishan was about to push her but his eyes went to her.. from which tears were flowing non stop for her moment his hurt melted but again anger raised up in him thinking that the treas are for othe man....

He stood up and held y/n from her wrist and dragged her with his...she cried looking at shubhman who was in pain and begged ishan to leave her she needs to see shubhman but he didn't listen....

He took her to his car and pushed her inside and sat on driver seat and drove it towards his mension...all the way y/n was crying to let her go but he didn't listen and drove in high speed.....

After few minutes when they reached the mension... and picked y/n on his shoulder.... and took her inside seeing him like that all the workers of mension followed him he took her to a room and throw her on bed...

And walked out he locked the door...he can hear y/n's crying and begging to open the door and let her go... but his anger was too much to listen her and show any mercy...he trun towards the workers and said...

"No one ...i said no one will open this door until I say matter what.... UNDERSTAND "

Everyone looked down and nodded their head no one even dared to say a single word they'll were so scared of ishan's anger.....

Ishan walked in his room and locked it...
He was so angry...he took the the vase from the table and throw it on the mirror because of which his arms get hurt making it bleed....

"Why...why can't she see i love her ...i need her....??"

He threw everything of his room here and there ....he started punching the wall ...his knuckle started bleeding...he screamed....his  voice echoed in whole mension..... workers became scared....
y/n ..who was banging on the door also felt silent she fell on ground and hugged herself bringing her knees to her chest and sobbed silently.... thinking about her parents and shubhman...his face covered with blood was coming in front of her eyes making her cry more....

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