“Yeah…there was...a man....with red clothes...like a villain."
"Is he a friend or foe?!"
The masked man rose to his feet and stared at Kouta for a few seconds, waiting for an explanation. Finally Kouta explained what had happened and how the man had grabbed his shoulder. He didn't say anything as the masked man listened to his account. Once he was done explaining everything, the masked man turned away and started walking away from Kouta.
“Wait! Where are you going?! What am I supposed to do!? Where am I supposed to go?” Kouta pleaded, jumping up from his position on the ground. “Please. You can't leave me here. Please!"
“I am taking you home with me.”
“My parents will freak out if I just turn up with bruises and cuts all over my skin.”
“We are going to the hospital anyway. They will be worried sick."
“And they won’t believe me if I tell them about this? You saw those kids on TV. No offense, but they really look like they’re dead, and we haven't even been in the US for more than ten minutes.”
“If you want to stay with the League, then we can’t let you walk alone. Now follow me.”
Kouta followed silently after the man who he assumed was called Kurogiri. He glanced back occasionally and watched as the corpses laid strewn across the streets. They seemed so lifeless. He shivered slightly at the sight. Kurogiri led him towards the center of a small city, which was crowded with buildings and people. The crowd made it difficult for Kouta to see much of the surrounding area, so he decided to focus his attention on Kurogiri, who was leading him to somewhere else. “Where are we going? Can you show me?”
“Yes, but not yet. First I need to show you where you'll be staying. Follow me.”
A few minutes later, Kurogiri stopped outside of a large white warehouse. Without further hesitation he stepped through the large steel double doors, and entered the large white lobby. When he entered he instantly realised that the walls and floors were painted white. In fact, everything he could see and touch was white, apart from Kurogiri’s black shoes and his yellow cloak. Everything else was pitch black. The lights overhead cast a dull, cold light upon the interior of the building. The lobby itself was rather empty, and it seemed quite unused. There were not even any chairs in the lobby

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