Chapter 30 - Serena can't sleep

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"Hey Ayanokouji." Serena greeted me while yawning.

Serena and I had agreed to meet up early this morning so we can try to perfect the choreography that Horikita and Kanzaki had made.

We have eight more days left until the contest takes place and there are still some parts we mess up on. By we I do in fact mean Serena, after the third time I had perfected it but she still has difficulties in some areas.

Of course eight days is a lot of time but neither of us wanted to risk it and try mastering it in the last couple days.

"Hello, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

She's barely awake.

"Serena, how much sleep did you get?" I asked.

"What time is it?" She asked back.

"7 AM." I answered.

"Uhhh, 2 hours then. I think?" She questioned herself.

This has been a consistent thing for the past six days. The stress and excitement of the situation has made sleeping very difficult for her.

"You can go get an extra hour or two of sleep in the meeting room. I'll stay there with you so you don't have to worry about anything." I told her.

Normally I would just attempt to shock her body awake using cold water or scaring her, but the last time I did either of those things she slapped me so hard I had a red mark on your face for the rest of the day and the other time I had to release Grachomp to stop Delphox from using Thunder Punch on me.

So because of the fact that my life or body is in danger when I try to force her awake, I just have to let her sleep.

"Are you sure?" She asked with another yawn.

Instead of answering I just grabbed her wrist and started walking towards the room. She didn't put up and resistance and just kept on yawning the whole way.

"Here, you can use my hoodie as blanket." I told her.

I had taken a liking to wearing hoodies because of how comfortable they are. The one I preferred to wear was a black one with the character 'Pac-man' on it.

I hadn't taken a liking to it because of the design but rather because of the comfort of it. It had a really soft interior that made wearing it extremely comfortable. This along with the outside material being soft as well made me take a real liking to it.

I handed her my Pac-man hoodie and went back to sit in my chair.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

She drifted off to sleep and I was left to wonder how to fix this issue.

I can't keep allowing her to practice on little to no sleep, some people are capable of it but Serena's cognitive abilities are too messed up without proper sleep. This sleep issue has been making her mess up, without it she most likely would've mastered the performance already.

If this issue persists up until the day of the contest it could cost my class Points, which means that I'll have less money to spoil my Pokemon with. That will not be acceptable, that means I have to help Serena fix this issue.

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