Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five
- Just breathe, just relax, it'll be okay -
April 9th, 2023

I slowly open my eyes to blindingly bright sunbeams peeking through the windows. Groggily, I look around the room until my eyes land on Taylor, who's still fast asleep next to me, and everything that happened last night comes rushing back in a blur of passion, exploration, trust, and hope.
Maybe her making me stay was for the best after all, because I'm convinced lonesome me would believe I dreamt all of it.

But I'm far from lonely and instead woke up next to this wonderful woman, in her bed, under her warm covers. And if all of this is actually real, I think I get to call myself her girlfriend now.

Looking over at the blonde, miles away from me in her realms of rest, I can't help but smile, reach out, and gently brush a strand of hair from her face. She stirs slightly, but thankfully, she doesn't wake up.
I take a moment to soak in the sight of her relaxed face, messy hair cascading around it, and bite my lip when flashbacks of her hands all over my skin pop into my head. How in the world do I deserve any of this?

Careful not to disturb her, I lean in closer and place a soft kiss on Taylor's forehead, the steady rise and fall of her chest reassuring me that she's at peace. As I'm cherishing this quiet moment, I make the silent promise to protect what we have found at every cost.
Before I know it, I find myself tracing the contours of her face with my fingertips and quickly shy away when I realize how crept out I would be if someone were just blatantly staring at and touching me while I'm asleep. I can't stop gazing at her, though, even after sitting up and leaning back against the pillows, so I let out a deep sigh and decide to get out of bed.

Stepping across the plush carpet soundlessly, I make my way towards the bathroom, where I first take a look in the mirror. Lord, I am glad I didn't wake up last.
I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, a sight that is definitely not pleasing. Tousled hair falls lazily around my shoulders; creases and imprints from the pillows mark my cheeks; and puffy green eyes stare back at me.
I dab my face with cold water, trying to splash away all the traces of sleep, then do a quick general wash and attempt to fix my hair. Once I'm all done, I grab a sweater and, while zipping it up, shuffle over to the entrance door. After hesitating for a second, I open it and search the hallway for Taylor's security.
Sure enough, I spot a man lingering around at the elevator who looks up and eyes me questioningly as soon as I step into the hallway.

"Uh, you're not Barry." I stutter at the slim, long-haired, tan guy. "Any chance you know him?"
He chuckles and takes a few steps in my direction. "Obviously I'm not, Miss, but yes, we're partners. I'm Jackson. What can I help you with?"
"I was just wondering if it would be cool if I called room service. You know, uh, she's still asleep, and I'd like to order breakfast."
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Anything in particular?"
"No, no! I can do it myself, thanks. I wasn't sure if that'd be alright, though."
"It's fine, really. I'll have someone get your order. So?"
Jackson doesn't seem like he would take no for an answer, so I reluctantly cave in, especially after I remember that he's the one who's been digging around for information on me and probably knows way more about my life than I'm comfortable with.
"Whatever she's usually having, I guess? And coffee, please.That would be great." I offer him a warm smile as he nods, and thank him for his help before locking the door again.

Half an hour later, I am done setting the table and stand at one of the windows, sipping on some steaming hot coffee while scrolling through my phone. I answer a few messages, mostly updating Niamh and Sean on my well-being, and waste time on TikTok.
Since recently, my feed is full of Eras content and clips of Taylor, and I don't mind it at all. Some people managed to get really great videos of her owning that stage. Of course, I save a bunch of them, especially the ones that showcase the more sexy parts of her performance. And the moaned high notes!

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