Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine
- And we were dancing, dancing, like we're made of starlight -
July 7th, 2023

The bass thumps through the small club that Taylor rented out for the night of her album release. Strobe lights flash in sync with the pulsating beats, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the dancefloor. The singer herself and a lot of the other invitees are still missing, as they're probably busy getting showered and changed after their show tonight, but since Taylor invited everyone who's been somewhat involved in the making of her record, the club is already pretty crowded—outsiders and photographers are strongly prohibited though.
Laughter and shouts blend in with the music, creating a chaotic, exhilarating atmosphere. Some faces seem familiar, but I don't know any of these people, unless recognizing Hayley Williams counts, which I guess does not. I contemplate walking over and introducing myself for a second, but then I spot a group of four at the bar and let out a sigh of relief, instantly changing my mind and happily skipping over to them.

Joey is the first one to see me approach, and she points at me, making the others turn around as well.
"May!" Tay jumps to her feet and pulls me into a tight hug. "Where the hell have you been, Loca?"
Taylor, who's standing right behind his wife, rolls his eyes. "I hate when she does this," he mumbles as he goes to greet me as well.
I exchange pleasantries with them for a while and make sure to compliment Joey, Presley, and Taylor individually on their performances in the music video before Tay puts a drink in my hand and we heatedly discuss every aspect of tonight's show.

She's seen it live for the first time and has lost her mind over the performances—a fact that I totally can get behind. The magic that Taylor radiates simply doesn't wear down, and every time I watch her, I discover new elements to the show. I also tried to mainly focus on the band and dancers today, as they are doing incredible work that deserves to be seen, but what can I say? My attention always finds its way back to Taylor, and I'm nowhere near tired of looking at her.

Slowly, more people start showing up, and while I don't know any of them by name, I can say with certainty that all of them are part of the eras-ensemble.
Tay must have noticed too, and she places her hand on top of mine with a smirk, successfully making me stop tapping my fingers on the counter.
"Girl, look at you, not even able to sit still! That excited to see her, huh?"
"I always am," I give back, trying to play it cool, but I can feel heat rush to my cheeks.
"Aww, my heart! I swear you are perfect for each other; it's almost obnoxious."
"Why don't you shut up and get us another round?"
After carefully shoving her off of the bar stool upon my suggestion, I turn my head and check the door. Yes, it's true. I can't wait for Taylor to finally waltz in and to celebrate with her. All I want to do is show her how proud I am and how much I love and support her.

Out of nowhere, someone steps in front of me, blocking my view of the entrance. I look up at the man who's offering me his hand and immediately know who he is.
"Jack! You're Jack!" I exclaim, delighted to meet him, and politely accept his offer. "Taylor loves you!"
He roars with laughter and waves it off.
"Oh dear, I'm honored. But if I'm not mistaken, you're Máire, making you the one between the two of us she loves more."
"I sure hope she does!" I joke back, trying to cover up my nerves. I really want to make a good first impression on my girlfriend's friend and producer.
"See, I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I just couldn't wait any longer to meet Taylor's latest muse, so I figured I'd come over."
"Her muse? I like the sound of that."
"If you ask me, you have every right to be flattered. Anyway, nice to finally meet you."
"Likewise. Oh my god, I've heard so much about you from Taylor. She speaks very highly of you!"
"Well, she's not too bad herself. Quite the talent," he winks.
I nod and open my mouth to agree with him, when suddenly loud cheers and applause emerge around us, almost drowning out the music. We both turn to see the woman in question walking in, accompanied by two of her backup singers and Kam, who's probably my favorite out of all the dancers.

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