Chapter 3- Surgery

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Louis' POV:

It's now Monday and currently I laid in a hospital bed, waiting for the doctors to roll me away to have my surgery. They had me stay in the hospital since yesterday so it would be easier and I could "get more sleep". Yea right, I was woken up about every 2 to 3 hours by a nurse to check if I was okay.

"Alright Louis." A nurse said as she came into the room, followed by a few other nurses. "You ready?" She asked, starting to unhook some things that were attached to the bed and me.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I answered.

She nodded. "It hopefully will only take about 3 hours." The nurse told my mother and she nodded.

"Okay, see you then Lou." I just nodded as they rolled me away.

Harry ' s POV:

"I have to ask, where's Louis." The interviewer asked.

"He's a bit sick today, sorry." Liam told her. I looked at the lads and could tell that we all were worried about Louis. Niall and I were bouncing our legs, Zayn was biting his lips like he normally does when he's nervous or worried, and Liam kept on fidgeting.

None of us could really focus on the interview because we were all wondering if Lou was okay. I know he said not to worry, but what if they don't remove all they need to and his cancer only spreads.

"You all seem to be nervous about something, is something wrong?" The interviewer said.

"Oh, um, we're just a bit worried about Lou." Niall said honestly. "We just hope he's not getting the flu or anything like that." Well that part was a lie.

"Aw, that's so sweet. But don't worry, I'm sure he's perfectly fine, the flu goes away." Yea, but cancer doesn't.

"We just hope it's nothing serious." I said... more like, hope the surgery is a success...

Jay ' s POV:

I waited in Louis' room for them to roll him back in here. A nurse came in with a smile. "Hello Mrs. Jay, he just got done and just woke up. We're going to roll him in, in just a second."

I nodded. "Okay, how was the surgery?" I asked.

"The surgery was a success, we stopped it from spreading..." She sighed. "I wish we could just help him more."

I smiled at her. "I know dear, thank you." She nodded and left, leaving the door open.

About five minutes later three nurses rolled Louis in. My poor baby looked exhausted. His eyes were halfway closed, and his body was limp in the bed. "Hey sweetheart." I said and kissed his forhead. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"My hip hurts." He croaked out.

I chuckled running my fingers through his hair. "I imagine so."

"The doctor gave him some pain medicine, it should kick in any second now." The same nurse from earlier said. "We want him to rest for a while, then you can go." She said smiling.

"Thank you dear." I said and she left.

I went over and sat in the chair next to Louis' bed. "Um, how are the lads with the interview?" Louis asked weakly.

"They should be done by the time you're allowed to leave." I told him.
He nodded closing his eyes and snuggling some into his pillow. "Get some rest my baby." I said kissing his forehead.

Harry ' s POV:

We all sat in Louis' room, waiting for him to come back. The door opened and Mrs. Jay walked in. "Is he okay?!" Niall and I instantly asked standing up with the others.

Mrs. Jay chuckled at our reaction. "He's fine, it was a success, but he is moving a little slow and is in a lot of pain, so be careful with him." She warned us.

We nodded and Louis came in, supporting himself on the wall as Mrs. Jay helped him. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" I asked.

Louis chuckled but then groaned in pain as he sat down on his bed. "I've been better." He said as Mrs. Jay helped him lay down.

"You boys can catch up later, he needs to rest." She said ushering us out.

"Get some rest Lou." We all said to him as we left.

Mrs. Jay came out a bit later, softly closing the door. "I'm warning you now, if you wake him I'll ground you. He needs his sleep." She told us, but somehow in a kind manner.

"Yes ma'am." We said. We all gave a sigh of relief, at least we know Louis is okay now.

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