Chapter 4- Another Scar to add to my collection

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Zayn's POV:

"Lads, where's my phone?" I asked, looking around the main room.

"Did you leave it in Louis' room?" Liam asked.

"Ah shit." I said. "Probably."

"Please tell me it's on vibrate." Harry said as he sat down on the couch.

"It's on silent, so yea." I said already heading towards the door.

"Wait, you can't go in there, he's sleeping." Niall said.

"I'm going grab my phone, I'm not going in there banging on drums." I said rolling my eyes.

I left the room and went across the hall to Louis' room. I quietly opened and closed the door, stepping into the room. Louis was sound asleep, letting out a small snore every once in a while. The room was pretty dark, but I could see well enough to find my phone. My phone was on the table across the room. I quietly went over there, but accidentally knocked over his medicine that made a somewhat loud crash to the floor.

Louis stirred a little and let out a small groan. 'Please don't wake up.' I didn't move, I don't think I was even breathing until I saw Louis relax into the bed and let out a small snore.

I sighed in relief, grabbed my phone, and quickly left the room. "Did you get your phone?" Liam asked as I entered the main room.

"Yep, and I didn't wake him up... I almost, but I didn't." I said plopping down on the couch next to Niall.

"You know what I don't get." Harry said. We all looked at him, signaling for him to continue. "How did Louis manage to keep the fact that he has cancer a secret for so long when we first met. You think we would have figured it out quickly."

"Well, we weren't expecting it." Liam said.

That seems like so long ago but it was only four years ago. We were at base camp and one day we were all messing and playing around when Louis suddenly couldn't breath. Thank God that Mrs. Jay was there with his oxygen mask. That's when he decided to tell us that he was sick.

"Well, we've already figured out that Louis is great at keeping things hidden." Harry said with a sigh.

Louis' POV:

I stirred awake, but then groaned as soon as I moved. "Damn." I said as I moved, very slowly if I may add, to get up. I managed to stand up and looked down to see I was just wearing my 'Joe Boxers' sleeping pants. Mum must have changed me, not wanting me to sleep in those jeans I was wearing earlier. By now I'm used to Mum helping me dress, she's had to help me shower and dress multiple times after surgeries.

I saw my medicine bag on the ground and bend down to grab it, which hurt like hell, but I managed to get it. How did it get on the ground? Well whatever. I took out the medicine I needed, popping them in my mouth and drinking some water to wash them down.

I started making my way to the main room, supporting myself on the wall. My hip hurt like crazy, but I'll live.

I got to the main room to see all the lads lounging on the couches. "Ow." I grumbled out as I moved the wrong way.

"Oh, hey Lou." Liam said getting up for me to sit. He went over and sat next in between Zayn and Niall. I guess he got up because his seat was closest to the door.

I sat down next to Harry, wincing in pain as my hip twisted some. "Shouldn't you be resting." Harry said, moving so I had more room.

"I've been resting for four day now. I think I'm good." I told them.

"Yea, but you did have surgery today." Zayn pointed out.

"Louis honey, why aren't you resting?" Mum said as she came into the room.

"I'm fine Mum."

She sighed coming over to me and kissing my forehead. "Did you take your medicine?"

"Yes." I said.

She nodded. "Well, we already ate, but are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Baby, you have to eat something. You didn't eat breakfast or lunch."

"Well, I couldn't eat breakfast and I slept through lunch. But seriously I'm not hungry." I said.

"What if I fix you something light, like cereal?"

I sighed. I'm not going to get away with eating nothing, she'll force something down my throat if I don't eat. "Okay." I gave in. I seriously wasn't hungry, surgery does that to you.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asked.

"Well, my hip feels like it has a knife cutting through it, so other than that I'm fine." Well, nothing new at least. My chest normally always kind of hurts, but I got used to it.

"Yea, the giant cut on your hip kind of gave that away." Harry said pointing to my new scar.

I looked down but immediately regretted it as pain shot through my body. "Yea." I said, pain clear in my voice. "But, that's just another scar to add to my collection."

Hey Guys! First off, what do you think of the story so far? And two, do you think I should give Louis a girl??? And if so, what would her name be?

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