Chapter 7- "I'm Fine."

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Bridget's POV:

I was in the kitchen, preparing supper for all the lads and myself. They told I didn't have to, but I told them that I wanted to. Cooking was one of my passions. Every time I cooked, I felt as if my mother was right beside me again, chopping veggies as I prepared the sauce while Daddy and Macy set the table. "Um... Do you need help with anything?" I heard someone speak from behind me.

I turned to see Louis standing their with his hands in his pockets and a redness to his face. I smiled at him. "Thank you, do you mind cutting up some onions and bell peppers?" I asked. "Wash your hands first."

He nodded, going over to wash his hands then grabbed a cutting board and knife. "Um how fine do you want them?" He asked.

"Um, like this." I went over to him and grabbed the knife, cutting into the onion to show Louis how I wanted it. "See?" I said and looked at him to see he was already looking at me.

His eyes widened some and he quickly looked down, his cheeks getting red again. "Um, yea okay."

I smiled with a small chuckled as I went back over and tended my sauce. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. The boys had an interview today and Louis seemed to be rather weak, so I made him go rest.

"I guess." He said, cutting up the vegetables.

"Does you're chest hurt?" I asked walking over to him and feeling at his chest.

"Bridget, I'm fine." He said. He turned away from the food and coughed into the crook of his elbow.

"Are you sure?" I stated more than asked. I felt his head, kissing it some to cause my hands might just be cold.
"You don't have a fever..."

"I told you I'm fine." He turned his head again and coughed.

I sighed dropping the subject and went stir my sauce again. I don't think he's telling the truth... I looked at Louis as he continued to help me, coughing into his elbow and holding his chest every once in a while. Every time he coughed he would scrunch up his face in slight pain.

Niall walked in and smiled. "Niall. Can you stir this every once in a while." I asked.

He smiled at me and nodded. "Sure."

I smiled at him and went over to Louis, grabbing his hand. "C'mon." He looked at me with a questionable look on his face, but didn't asked. I led him to the couch and told him to lie down.

I knelt down on the floor beside him and lifted up his shirt. "Bridget I said I was fine." He complained.

I rolled my eyes and started feeling on his chest for any tingles or if he winced in pain. "I know you're lying Louis." I told him. "I asked you not to lie to me and tell me if something was wrong." I pressed into the left side of his chest, right about in the middle of his ribcage, where his upper stomach and chest meet. He jumped slightly, and his face scrunched up in pain. "See, that's what I'm talking about."

"You pressed into my ribbs." He defended.

"Yes, but I didn't press very hard. That shouldn't have hurt that much."

Louis sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm fine." He told for the fourth time, and yes I counted.

"Louis stop lying. If you're in pain tell me. I have something that will help if you would just tell me these things." I sighed. "Now tell me when it hurts." I stared to press down on on his stomach and his chest. He would take in sharp breaths a few times as I pressed down on his lower chest and upper stomach. "Maybe we should schedule another doctors appointment."

Louis rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt down. "I'm fine Bridget."

"Louis..." I sighed.

"No, seriously I'm fine. This isn't the first time this is happened... it probably because I just had surgery."

"He's right. This has happened before." Harry said slumping down on the couch next to Liam.

"All the more reason to get it checked." I said. "I'm making you an appointment."

"Bridget..." Louis sighed. "I'm fi-"

"Louis please..." I grabbed his hand. My face faltered slightly as the contact. My heart fluttered and I felt his thumb slightly rub against my palm. I quickly composed myself and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Louis sighed again and continued to rub his thumb over my hand. "Fine..."

I smiled at him. "Thank you. I'm just worried about you."

He let go of my hand and I found myself missing the contact. "Why? You barely know me?"

I frowned my eyebrows. "Because I'm your nurse Louis and I wish to be a friend too." I answered him... but, that made me wonder why my heart fluttered when I grabbed his hand? I barely know him? I'm sure it's just in the moment... yea...

*Sorry it took me so long to update! But what do you guys think?!?! And ooohhhh Bridget is starting to have feelings for Louis do you think Louis feels the same way?*

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