Chapter 13: First Kiss

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Louis POV:

I was still stuck in the hospital and it's been like five days! Why can't I leave?! Bridget and I were the only ones that were currently up. The rest of the boys were passed out due to the fact that they refused to leave the hospital except for a set of clothes and had to sleep on the floor or on some chairs... Also that the nurses checked on me like every three hours.

Zayn was currently asleep beside me on the small bed as the rest of the boys heads were laid on the foot or side of my bed.

Bridget walked in with some soup for me and chuckled, putting it on the table. "Why don't they just go and get some real rest? You're fine here."

I let out a laugh. "You can tell them that all you want, they're not leaving unless you force them to." I ate my soup that she got me as she read a book. "Zayn get up." I said shaking him awake some. "He just groaned and snuggled more into the bed. I rolled my eyes. "Zayn, get up!" I said more loudly. I ended up waking Harry and Liam, but not Zayn. Liam shook Niall awake and I slapped Zayn's arm. "Get up! I have to pee!" He just groaned again.

Bridget chuckled. "Well, since Louis can't quite get up, he'll have to use a bed pan." (That's the pan they use if you're bedridden and you have to pea btw) She told him with a laugh.

Zayn quickly opened his eyes. "I'll get up." He finally got up.

Bridget giggled... That giggle of hers is so adorable... "I just said that so you would get up." She laughed. "He can get up." Zayn gave her a quick glare and rolled his eyes.

"And I didn't really have to pee, I just wanted you to get up." We all laughed and he gave out a groan. "But um, when were you going to tell me that you're quitting the band?" I asked, bringing up the topic. I'm still kind of pissed he didn't tell me, but then with everything that happened it kind of slipped my mind.

Zayn looked at me and he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "H-how did you know?" He finally asked.

"I overheard you all talking the night my lunges fucked up." I told him. "If you were wondering, yes that's why I was pissed... Not at the fact that you're quitting exactly, but at the fact you thought I was "too sick" to know about it."

"I didn't think you were too sick to know." He protested.

"Bull Zayn!" I suddenly shouted. I didn't mean to get mad, but I just did. The beat monitor that gave my pulse started to speed up.

Bridget came over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down." She told me, rubbing my arm and kissed my cheek.

I took in a deep breath then sighed. "You said that with my condition that I couldn't handle it well and that you didn't want me to stress more." I said as calmly as I could.

"Louis..." He sighed. "You can't hide the fact that you are sick... You already worry enough with the band, your family, and condition, and I didn't want you to stress more then you needed to." He told me.

"You told everyone else..." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"Lou-" He started but Bridget interrupted him.

"I think you all should go get some real rest and go back to the hotel." She told them. "You can see Louis is getting worked up and that might hurt him."

"But, Louis I-" Zayn started again but it was Harry who interrupted him now.

"Lads let's go... We do need some rest." He smiled at me. "You get rest too Louis."

I gave a small smile. "You all do too." I said. They all started for the door when I spoke again. "And I forgive you Zayn... I see your point of view... It still pisses me off though... Not at the fact you want to quit, I get that too... But..." I sighed. "Never mind, go get some rest."

Zayn gave me a smile. "Thank you." He said and left with the boys, closing the door behind him.

"Calm down." Bridget whispered to me as he put her head to the side of my face. She kissed my temple.

"I'm calm." I told her.

"No you're not, you're tense." She told me and started to kiss the side of my face. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it... Although I would rather she kissed my lips and not my cheek. "Relax." She told me and continued to kiss my face.

I sighed and she pulled away, playing with my hair. "I'm calm." I told her.

"Good." She gave a quick kiss to my cheek. "Louis." She spoke.

"Hmm?" I said and turned to her only to be met with her lips to mine. I moaned in surprised, but quickly kissed her back. One of her hands rested on my chest as the other was on my cheek. I put my hand behind her neck and pulled her closer to me, kissing her harder. I continued to kiss her until my chest started to hurt, and little air was going though. "I-I can't breath." I said pulling away, but rested my forehead to hers. "I-I'm sorry..." I breathed out, trying to catch my breath.

"Louis it's fine... I know."

Damn my lungs... I can't even kiss her and lose breath... De je vu moment to back in eleventh grade with a girl named Macy Cane. Bridget started to kiss at my neck as she moved to straddle my lap on the bed, moving the tubes that were connected to me as she did. I started to kiss her again, my breath finally catching back up with me. My hands rested on her hips as hers were on my shoulders. "I've wanted to do this since I met you." Bridget told me as she moved down to kiss my neck.

I gave out a small moan as she continued to kiss my neck. "I think I have to." i told her.

I moved to kiss her again when a knock came to the door. Bridget quickly got off me and stood beside the bed, face flushed red. "C-come in." She stuttered. I grinned looking at her and grabbed her hand.

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