Chapter 6- Tell Me When's Something Wrong

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Bridget's POV:

"Good morning everyone!" I cheered as I walked into the main room. Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry lounged on the couches eating breakfast as they watched TV.

"Good morning Bridget." Liam said with a smile. "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Very much so, thank you." I fixed me some coffee. "Where's Louis?" I asked.

"Probably still sleeping," Niall said.

"Or just resting." Added Harry.

I looked at the clock to see it was already 9'0 clock in the morning. "Hmm, well, he needs to get up to take his medicine." I said and left to Louis room.

I knocked on the door softly... No answer. I knocked again... No answer. I gave a shrug of my shoulders and went into his room, closing the door quietly behind me. I found myself smiling as I looked at Louis' sleeping body. He looked so peaceful, and as if nothing was wrong with him. "Louis." I said sweetly as I sat on the edge of his bed and gently shook him awake. "Louis." I said again. I played with his hair like I do with my nephew when I wake him.

"Hmm?" Louis said stirring awake.

I smiled at him. "Good morning sleepy head." I giggled. "You have to take your medicine."

"Mmmh." He groaned out as he was still half asleep. "What time is it?" He asked with a raspy morning voice.

"Nine." I told him grabbing his medicine back and a bottle of water. I sat down on the side of his bed, next to his ankles, and handing him his medicine and water. "I don't know if you remember me from last night, but I'm your nurse, Bridget." I said smiling at him.

He nodded, groggily making his way to sit up. "Yea, I remember you." He said, grabbing his first bottle of medicine and the water.

"Um, well, since I'm going to be here a while and to let you wake up some, why don't you tell me about yourself?" I asked.

"Well, I have cancer." He said, drowning the pills down.

"Louis." I sighed out. "Not stuff like that. Like what do you like to do for fun? What are your hobbies?"

Louis took his second set of pills. "I like to sing obviously." He said. "Um, I kind of like to act. My favorite movie is 'Grease'. That's basically all I can think of right now." He said and shrugged.

"Hmm, well, what's your history?" I asked.

He drowned another set of pills. "Um, I was diagnosed when I was fourteen, and have had about six to eight surgeries since then, counting the one that happened not too long ago, and I've been through Chemo therapy twice. "

"No, no. Not your cancer history, your mother has already filled me in on that. Like, your normal history." I said still smiling at him.

"Um, okay..." He thought for a bit. "My dad left me when I was ten days old and my mother raised me on her own until she married my step-dad and they got a divorce about three years ago... She's remarried now." He started. "I have five sisters and one brother... All half siblings of course. I never graduated high school, and I used to get bullied because of my sickness."

I frowned my eyebrows. "That's horrible..."

Louis shrugged. "It's fine. I'm over it now. Every since I met the lads I don't really think about the past anymore."

"Well, that's good. I've never met my dad either." I told him. "He died before I was born."

"What about your mum?"

"She um, died of cancer when I was thirteen... I guess that's why I studied it... I wanted to try to prevent it from happening to anybody else."

"I guess you know how to take care of me then." Louis let out a laugh as he took his last set of pills. "And sorry about your mum."

I shrugged. "It's fine, it was a long time ago."

"Any other family?" He asked.

"I have a sister that lives in New York along with her husband and son."

"What's your nephew's name?"

"Riley." I said with a smile. "He just turned four last month."

Louis gave a smirk. "Cute."

"What about your siblings?" I asked. "how old are they?"

"Well... Lottie is sixteen, Fizzy is thirteen, Daisy and Phoebe are ten, and Doris and Earnest are a little over a year."

I giggled. "How do you keep track of all them?" Louis chuckled, but then stopped putting his hand to his chest. "You okay?"

"Um... Yea." He said.

"You sound like you're out of breath." I said, scooting closer to him. I felt his forehead. He seems normal. I placed my hand on his back then his bare chest. "Breath." I told him. He did and I could tell he wasn't breathing normally. "You're not breathing normally." I told him.

"I never breath normal." He pointed out.

"Yes, but you seem to be having more trouble breathing that I guess you normally do."

"Um, yea, but I'll be fine."

"Louis." I sighed. "If you're having trouble breathing, please tell me. You're mom and the doctor isn't here anymore."

"I'm fine Bridget. You barely know me."

"Yes, but I know what a person who's having trouble breathing looks like." I told him. "Just... Please."

"I will... But seriously I'm fine. I get short of breath all the time."

I sighed but nodding. "Okay... I'll go get your breakfast."

Louis' POV:

As soon as Bridget left I grabbed my oxygen tank and put the mask to my face. I certainly was not okay, but I didn't want anybody to worry about me. I just need to wear my mask for a little bit to get air back then I'll be fine... Right? My chest hurt like crazy and my hip was bothering me again. As I got air though, my chest started to slowly go back to normal, but still bothered me more than usual. It felt like it had water in it. Like when you stay under water longer than you should. It had that burning feeling you get, but I'm sure I'm fine, right? It's probably just a little faze...

*I know, boring chapter, but still what did y'all think??? How do you like the story so far?*

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