were in..utah?

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"Missy?" A distant voice called yet she ignored it, rolling her head to the side

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"Missy?" A distant voice called yet she ignored it, rolling her head to the side.

"Missy!" It called again.

The blonde girl confusedly opened her eyes, "Percy?"

"You're awake!" He weakly reached over and threw his hands on her head, "Oh my god Lisa I thought you were dead!"

She rubbed her eyes, preparing them to adjust to the environment,  she was sitting on a deck chair atop a huge porch, gazing across a meadow at green hills in the distance. The breeze softly pulled her hair, it smelt like strawberries, making her realize how hungry she was.

"Where are we?"

Percy shifted underneath the blanket draped over him, "I dunno, Utah?"

"Hm, those are nice hills." Missy agreed. Swallowing hard her eyes landed on two drinks sat on a small table between her and Percy.

They looked like tall iced apple juice, with a green straw in one and gray in other, a paper parasol stuck through the maraschino cherry.

Her hand was so weak she alsmost dropped the glass once she got her fingers around it.

"Careful!" A familiar voice said, causing both friends heads to snap back.

Grover was landing against the porch railing, looking like he hadn't slept in a week. Under one arm, he cradled a shoe box and sported a vibrant orange t-shirt reading "camp half-blood." And he was just plain old Grover. Not goat-boy

Thats when it all started coming back to Melissa. The barnyard smell, the bull-man...

"You two saved my life," Grover said. "I...well, the least I could do...I went back to the hill. I thought you guys might want this.

Reverently, he placed the shoebox on Percy's lap. Missy and the boy shared a hesitant look before she carefully pulled the lid off.

Inside were two black and white bull horns, the bass jagged from being broken off, one of which's tip was splattered with dried blood.

"The Minotaur." Percy said.

"It isn't a good idea—"

"But that's what they call him in the myths, isn't it." Missy raised a brow sternly. "The Minotaur,"

"Half man, half bull." Percy finished.

Grover shifted uncomfortably. "You two have been out for two days. How much do you remember?"

"My mom. Is she really.."

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