new york rodeo ring

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They tore through the night along dark country roads

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They tore through the night along dark country roads. Wind slammed against the Camaro. Rain lashed the windshield and it was a wonder sally jackson hadn't swerved into a ditch by now.

Melissa sat in the back trying her best to keep her cool but it was hard, evertime there was lightning her eyes darted back to Grover's legs—or not legs, she didn't know what to call it.

As Missy was trying to ignore the barnyard smell roaming around her head Percy spoke up, "so, you know my mom?"

"Well we met earlier today," Missy said.

Percy gave her a blank look.

"Oh. Oh you soo weren't talking to me okay." She nudged Grover for an answer.

"I did, well, not exactly. She knew I was watching you but we never met in person." Grover's eyes fluttered to the rear view mirror.

"Watching me ?" Percy asked.

"Keeping tabs on you, both of you." He added hastily. "Making sure you guys were okay. But I wasn't faking being your friend. I am your friend."

They nodded, "So, um I'm sorry but what are you exactly?" Missy tried her best not to sound mean.

"Thats doesn't matter right now."

"It doesn't matter?" Percy's eyes were wide, "From the waist down your a donkey—''

Grover let out a sharp, throaty "blaa-ha-ha!"

Missy jumped, she'd heard him make that sound before, but always assumed it was a nervous laugh. Now it sounded more like an irritated bleat.

"Goat!" He cried.


"I'm a goat from the waist down."

"You just said it didn't matter!" Percy defensively spoke.

The blonde girl clutched Percy's sweater with wide eyes, "that matters a lot Grover!"

"Blaa-ha-ha! There are stairs who would trample you two for such an insult!"

"Whoa , whoa, whoa. Hold on, satyrs? You mean like Mr. Brunner's myths?" Missy asked.

"Were those old ladies at the fruit stand a myth" Grover looked between the two, "Was Mrs. Dodds a myth?"

Percy gasped, "so you admit there was a Mrs. Dodds!"

"Of course there was!"

Percy wore a look of confusion when his bestfriend hadn't made a deal of this.

"What? We already knew he was lying!" She defended.

"Look, I'm sorry for lying to you two but the less you know the less monsters you attract," Grover said, like that should be perfectly obvious. "We hoped you'd think the kindly one was a hallucination."

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