Life after Verdansk

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A week before the Invasion of Panama

Bell sat at a bar enjoying his hard drink. Music played and the people were chatting about or playing spades.
He on the other hand was still looking for Jp. It's been five years since he was in Verdansk. So far he has no leads. No contacts. He was alone. He had no where to go. He finished his drink and paid the bartender for the drink.
"You been coming here for five day's senor. What troubles such a quiet mind on a lively night?"
He asked handing Bell a smoke. Bell took the smoke and lit it up.
"If I told you. You'd think I'm crazy"
Bell replied.
"Amigo I know crazy and you look like you've seen a few things in life"
"How did you figure that?"
Bell asked.
"The drink any man or woman drinks shows and you've been drinking tequila my friend. Tell me is it the lack of a woman in your life"
Bell chuckled.
He puffed.
"I was looking for my brother and so far I've had no luck. Been searching for five years"
The bartender sighed and puffed on his cigar. "Not to sound like a downer Amigo but maybe it's time to let go of the search. When was the last time you seen him?"
"That's the thing. It's been too long. Since I was eleven"
Bell realized he had been looking all his life but never got close. He didn't want to stop but he knew it was time to do bigger and better things for himself.
"Too your brother"
The bartender held his drink up and toasted to Bell and he did the same.
"We got a lot of chickas here amigo. Try settling down a bit. Take your mind off of family for a change. Enjoy the moment"
Bell puffed his smoke and nodded.
He stood against the bar checking out females but of course to his luck none of them were exactly his type. Maybe he should have sticked with Nova.
The bartender handed him a bottle of Tequila and told him.
"On the house Amigo. For your troubles"
Bell smiled and held the bottle.
"Thank you"
He said nodding. Least he had a bottle.
Then somehow a woman walked into the bar and he made eye contact with her.
She was clearly American but he thought she looked familiar. Red hair. Shorter than him. Brown eyes with a nice dress. He tried looking away not being rude.
"Holy shit it's her. The girl in my dreams"
He thought.
He dreamt of this day for a long time to actually see her.

He dreamt of this day for a long time to actually see her

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Then she came up to the bar. "Got anything to make me fit in with the place?"
Bell read her mind and realized that she was running from something.
Reminds him of Freya.
Yet he always had to be the one doing the saving.
He offered her a shot glass as she faced him.
"You should catch your breath with this"
He told her. She realized he knew that she was running from something.
She played along.
"Who might you be if I may ask?"
She said.
"Bell. Bell Masaki"
"You don't sound like you're from here at all. That accent and your clothing"
Bell was impressed.
"Russian raised but born in Japan"
He replied puffing his smoke.
"What brings you here to Panama?"
She pressed on.
"Wanted to settle down for a change. I got nothing else planned"
He said truthfully while puffing on his smoke.
"Handsome devil like you should be easy to settle down with"
She lightly teased.
"No one is my type and I don't trust anyone really"
He said.
"Trust is hard to come by nowadays"
"It's even harder when you have guns in your face"
She wondered what he meant by that.
"What do you mean?"
"I was a soldier. I got betrayed and nearly killed. I survived got my compensation and here I am"
He told her.
He doesn't want anyone to know that he was Perseus. Not that it matters to him. He was just making small talk.
"I'm a researcher for genetics. Clearly that research has gotten me into trouble that lead me here"
Bell knew he was getting somewhere.
She looked back at the doors uncomfortably and back to the bar.
"What kind of research if I may ask?"
"If I told you I would have to silence you"
She said sternly.
"By all means miss sorry to be a bother"
He said facing away.
She didn't mean to come off so rude but she was under a lot of pressure.
She heard vehicles approaching and began to panic.
"You said you were a soldier right?"
He answered looking at the vehicles behind the covered windows.
"Look I work for Umbrella. You know the big Pharmaceutical company. I came here looking for a kind of drug"
"Only drugs you'll find here are with Cartels and I don't bother them. They don't bother me"
"I'm asking for your-"
He grabbed her hand and place the tequila in her hand and had her pinned against the wall.
"You want my help then do exactly as I say. Amigo cut the music up"
The bartender did so quickly as the crowd began to gather.
"What are you doing?"
"Having a drink with you so it looked like you've been here all day"
"They will see right through me"
"Then you better drink up"
He offered her a drink.
She took the drink hard and almost coughed.
"You're not a drinker are you?"
He frowned.
"I prefer champagne occasionally"
"That drink is for pussies"
He said amusingly. She frowned angrily.
"How dare you-"
The door opened as he rammed his lips to hers making her panic but she went along with it as men started to searching the bar. She kissed him back making it seem like they were a couple.
Holding her by the neck he made it look convincing.
Needless to say was that her fear and worries seem to blow away.
"Has anyone come through here like they were in a hurry?"
"Trouble doesn't come here amigo. Only thing you'll find here is a good time with the ladies"
"We're wasting time. We should report our findings and search the apartment after it's done burning"
"Burning? Has something happened?"
"It doesn't concern you! Go back to serving your crowd of lowlifes!"
She deepened the kiss as the men conducted their search and left the bar.
The woman had got lost in the kiss as Bell broke it.
"Why did you stop?"
She asked opening her eyes.
"Because they are gone now"
He backed away for a bit letting her breathe.
"Amigo you best get her someplace safe. They are ones to stick around and keep searching"
"I'll take her out back. Here's your tip for the save"
Bell placed a lot of money on the table as the bartender Smiled.
"Gracias senor"
"De nada"
Bell replied you're welcome in Spanish.
"I'm Cat"
She said.
"Nice to meet you. Shall we leave now?"
He said pointing to a back door.
"Yes I would like too"
She said never taking her eyes off of his.
He pulled her to the door and they left the bar walking through the alleyway.
"You didn't need to do that"
"Well it was one way to shut you up so they didn't figure you out"
"Well if we ever get into trouble again next time ask"
"You Americans are all very alike"
Bell said.
"Well I'm not like the other females you've clearly kissed. Your a good kisser"
"Says the one who kissed back"
"It felt nice but please ask next time"
"Assuming if there is a next time"
He replied. He heard vehicles approaching.
"Get down"
He pulled her down as a few trucks road ahead.
She was under him as he waited.
He clearly has done this sort of stuff before.
"Were you an agent?"
"Still talking I see"
"All you have to do is ask and shut me up again"
"I'm not kissing you on the pavement"
He said smirking.
"I was more than an agent but I'm not telling you anything else until I know if your not a goon or a spy"
"Clearly I'm not a spy. I'm a researcher for the Umbrella Corporation. My Dad pays guys like you to get dirty money by doing...things"
"Hmm I'm assume the nature of things is through blood no questions asked"
"You've done your homework"
"Lady I was one in charge of giving such orders"
"Yet I find you in a bar drinking away. Did you lose or something?"
"I killed them all"
He said which caught her off guard.
He pulled her up and they continued on.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere safe"
"My apartment is just down the road aways"
She pointed but in the same direction was smoke coming from a building on fire. "Fuck me"
She said sighing in defeat.
"You'll stay with me in my apartment"
"How do I know you're not one of those men?"
"Didn't I just save your life a few minutes ago. Right you don't trust me"
He pulled out a 1911 and handed it to her.
"You had a gun?!"
She said with wide eyes.
"Did you think all I said was a lie?"
"No I mean I assumed your some spy off duty or something but i clearly was wrong. If I tell you who I am will you tell me who you are"
"I don't know if I can trust you"
He admitted.
"I'll tell you everything I know I swear"
She begged.
He walked her down the street as he sighed. "Your about to find out why I gave you the gun"
She listened.
"I am Perseus. If Umbrella knows about the battle of Verdansk then I'm the cause and end for that"
Cat tilted her head and thought.
"That sounds a little familiar"
"You don't know do you?"
"You had a gun on you the entire time so I believe you"
"Did you hear of Mount Yamantau?"
He asked.
"The one that supposedly blew up yes my father spoke about that"
"I was there"
She went wide in the face.
"Ohhh my god. You're THE PERSEUS?!"
He smirked.
"Da that is me. This is it"
He walked her in and she walked passed him. "You can put that away please"
"It's yours"
"Keep it"
"Don't you need it?"
"You literally just found out that I was Perseus. Don't you want to defend yourself"
"You said you ended Perseus and you also saved me from being tortured or burn alive. I trust you"
"Don't trust me"
"Why not?"
"Last time I got attached I got betrayed"
Cat understood that but once again pressed on. "I'm not like those women"
She said. "Have you even been with an American?"
She asked.
"No but Americans brainwashed me before along with the CIA"
"Umbrella has no ties with the CIA"
She said as they entered an elevator.
"You can trust Me"
She said.
"Says the one that I need permission to kiss"
"Did I also mention the fact that I liked it and wish you didn't stop"
That caught Bell off guard.
"Yeah Ohhh"
She smiled.
They exited the elevator and walked ahead. "How many girls have you been with anyway?"
"That's a bit personal don't you think?"
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know about you"
"Just two but I don't think I'll count them as relationships. Didn't feel like it but it could have been"
He told her.
"Really I assumed you would of had a lot of experience"
That made Bell face her.
"Just those two but that was years ago"
He said.
"Hmm well I wonder where tonight will go"
"I just met you in a bar"
"Your my favorite kiss and you saved my neck and your bringing me to your room with a bottle in my hand"
"Aren't you a little young to have fantasies?"
"First of all I'm twenty-one"
She said crossing her arms.
"My apologies"
He said sincerely. He welcomed her in and forgot to clean up. Under the circumstances he didn't know he would bring a girl home.
"The place is a mess. I do apologize for the inconvenience"
"That's okay. We just met so I didn't expect a big fancy mansion. My father has built a lot of those before"
"How long will you be in Panama?"
"If my father doesn't hear from me then he'll move heaven and earth to get me back but three days is the latest"
She replied.
He nodded. "You can have the bed. Shower is right here if you need it. I'll keep watch"
"Now Bell is that any way to end a pleasant night?"
She said pouring a cup.
"Under the circumstances I think it's fair that I drink with my knight in shining armor"
He took the cup and thought against it.
"I'm already three shots in"
He said.
"I've only had just two so we will stop at four. Plus it's my first time drinking Tequila and I hear it's very popular"
"You don't get out much do you?"
He asked.
"No I don't"
She said sadly.
"We have three days. If you allow me to protect you"
"I could protect myself but I rather you do that for me if your not busy"
"As long I can"
He said offering her a smile.
They both drunk the shot together and she poured again.
"What was your experience like?"
She dared to asked.
"The first one was a bit of relief and the second was more of a challenge but I cracked her"
Cat went wide in the face and that's when he realized she meant his time as Perseus.
"You meant-"
"No it's alright I should have made myself more clear. I mean I figured that much since your a great kisser"
He chuckled.
"Thank you"
He said smiling.
"My time as Perseus wasn't something I wanted. I did want revenge. I could have blew Europe into ashes if I wanted to"
"Why didn't you?"
"Europe didn't do anything to deserve such a fate and I didn't want that kind of blood on my hands"
He said truthfully.
"The ones that brainwashed you"
"I brainwashed him into blowing up the City of Verdansk. He wasn't happy about it but the feeling was mutual"
"Cheers to that fucker"
She raised her cup high as did Bell.
Clinking the cups they drunk their cups clean.
She took off her jacket and felt a little nervous to ask.
"How long ago was your experience if you know what I'm referring too?"
She asked.
"So five years clean and you haven't met a woman to settle down with"
"I was looking for my brother. I don't know where he is. When I came to the bar I had come to the conclusion that I would never find him"
He said with his eyes down.
She saw the look in his eyes and knew he was hurt.
She placed a hand on his cheek and got closer to him.
"Don't give up hope. You'll see him again. I know you will"
She told him.
"If I don't"
He asked.
"Then you'll see him in a better place"
She said sitting on his lap.
He attempted to hold her but he thought against it.
"What did it feel like when you killed?"
She asked.
"Why do you ask?"
He asked wondering. Maybe it was the liquor.
"I had a best friend. Her name was Alexia. She was a researcher just like me. She had created this new serum that she thought she could stop her aging disease. She perfected it and started testing on herself. So much her body started to worsen as much as it repaired her cells. I tried to think of a way to stop it but either her cells were going to mutate or she would die anyway. Even in her last moments she continued to test on herself but I stopped her and in the end. I killed her. Yet here I am running away from the people that want me dead because of it"
He held her and looked into her eyes.
"Did you look into her eyes as she died?"
He asked.
She shook her head no.
"You did her a favor. You stopped her from suffering and that's what should matter. Who are the ones after you?"
"Enemy corporations that want my research and so far all I got is a lead. A lead they seem to think I'll bring them to and crush my fathers company"
She said.
"How you got caught up in this situation is beyond me but I'm glad to be the one to help you get back to your father"
"I have to complete my research first. The cartel can lead me straight to what I need"
"Then you better get some rest. I will help you find this lead in the morning and you're not a killer. Fear drives you but you have a lot of confidence. I see it"
Cat smiled and hugged him.
"Thank you"
She said.
"Your welcome"
He replied returning the hug.
"Where will you sleep again?"
"I have the floor and you have the bed"
"Nonsense you can sleep in the bed too"
She said. "I rather not"
"Why not afraid you'll sleep with me?"
She teased.
"Besides I think my hero deserves a little extra since you'll be on duty for three days"
"Once again I just met you"
He argued.
She started to undress herself.
Bell shook his head.
"Unless you want someone to see me fully naked through the window"
She said taking off her bra as he closed the window quickly.
"That won't be...necessary"
She stood on her knees in bed with no clothes on with a smile on her face.
"Don't be so boring besides I've never experienced a foreign guy before"
She said reaching out for him.
Bell at this point didn't even care as she was staring up at him. "Do I need permission?"
He asked.
"That was a joke"
She giggled wrapping her arms around him slowly. They embraced each other as she threw his jacket off then taking off his long sleeve shirt revealing his body. So many scars yet he stood in front of her.
"You have so many scars"
She noticed. "Was this your time as Perseus?"
"Yes they were"
He answered.
She looked at him and back to his lips. Kissing him slowly and passionately he wrapped his arms around her as she pulled him into the bed making love to each other.
Present Day

Bell looked at the fire as everyone sat around.
"I thought you said you didn't do anything with me"
Cat said.
"Technically you seduced me"
"Of course I did. I mean after killing Alexa I must have been feeling terrible about it"
"Cat you might be a clone of your real self but I never stopped looking for you or Jp. What you told me I didn't give up"
Cat sat in his lap and laid her head on his chest.
"I know you would and from I can tell. Sounds like you were avoiding me"
"I knew it was you. I just couldn't tell you hey I'm your future husband let's get together and go on a cruise and have wonderful kids"
He said.
"I'm just glad that some part of me remembered you and thank you for saving me. Now I don't have to feel guilty about Alexia anymore"
She said staring at the fire.
"As long as I was in the picture. You were safe"
"So this is the continuation after Verdansk"
Damien asked.
"Yeah it is but I warn you all this story will not be pleasant"
"I told you if you ever got into trouble i wouldn't be far away"
Nova said.
"Trouble found me instead and no Cat it wasn't you. Besides Nova. This was the real Cat. The one who killed Alexia. Had you came into the fray. You wouldn't have walked out alive"
Bell said.
"This time it won't be no happy ending"
He said staring at the fire.

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